本文选题:晚清 切入点:侨务新政 出处:《华侨大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The late Qing Dynasty was established by the Chinese government as an overseas government. The establishment of the China Business Association and the modern Chinese School marked the beginning of a systematic overseas Chinese policy. The task of "modernization" faced since the Opium War prompted the Qing government to increasingly realize the importance of winning the recognition of the overseas diaspora and playing its role as an expatriate. Starting with a series of measures of the New deal on overseas Chinese Affairs, overseas Chinese leaders, as the media between the executive body of the government's overseas Chinese policy and the overseas Chinese, play a pivotal role in the implementation of the overseas Chinese policy. Wu Shou-chen, the object of this paper, was the beginning of overseas Chinese affairs in the late Qing Dynasty. An outstanding overseas Chinese leader who plays an important role in the affairs of overseas Chinese in Singapore. Wu Shou-chen, 1855-1909, Zhaoan, Zhangzhou, Fujian. The emergence of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia during the New Policy of overseas Chinese Affairs in the late Qing Dynasty. A distinguished representative of a generation of overseas Chinese business leaders. Associate Tianfugong, Director of Tianfu Palace, Director of Tianfu Palace, member of the Bureau of Bao and Liang Bureau of the Secretary for Home Affairs of China and other Chinese social service posts, they maintain close contact with the Qing government and contribute to the title of the government and the title of Taoism and Taiwan. Wu Shou-chen responded to the "New deal" of the late Qing Dynasty by acting as the temporary Consul General of China in Singapore, and established the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce and the Donan School of study in Singapore. This paper, by combing Wu Shouzhen's life as an overseas Chinese leader, aims to explore the political changes in the late Qing Dynasty and the New deal on overseas Chinese Affairs. Wu Shouzhen's role and contribution to overseas Chinese affairs in promoting overseas Chinese affairs; through Wu Shouzhen's interpretation of overseas Chinese, the relationship between the government and overseas Chinese, as well as the mechanism, channels, and impact on the effectiveness of overseas Chinese affairs are analyzed. Then take the Chinese factor as the variable to investigate the modern transformation of the Chinese society.
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