
发布时间:2018-04-02 12:21

  本文选题:教育甄审 切入点:反甄审 出处:《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2014年05期

[Abstract]:At the beginning of the victory of the War of Resistance, the National Government carried out a screening review of the staff of the recovered areas, students and graduates of secondary schools and above, although it did not involve a wide range of areas and ended in a hasty manner under various pressures. However, it became a turning point in the struggle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party in recovering the areas after the war. The theme of "distinguishing between right and false" ran through the design and practice of the verification policy. In fact, it has imposed a kind of moral humiliation similar to "national shame" on the people of the target and even the whole recovered area, and the combination of the results of the verification and the chances of survival has caused direct psychological shock and panic to the potential victims. Therefore, at the beginning of the implementation of the policy, it aroused a strong rebound. In the face of the rapidly spreading resistance movement, the authorities tried to push forward in a flexible manner. As a result, the contradictions were not only intensified, but also the institutional malpractices of the government, the snake and the internal maladjustment were exposed. This has led to the loss of credibility and the destabilization of the foundation of political authority. In the meantime, the underground organizations of the Communist Party of China have successfully intervened in the anti-vetting campaign by taking advantage of the convenience of admission to cram schools and discontent caused by verification, and have developed trust in accordance with "striving for understanding and building trust." The development organization line gradually grasped the leadership of the movement and successfully led the postwar student movement from relying on the government for legitimate rights to an anti-autocratic and democratic track. On this basis, the Communist Party of China stepped up its public opinion offensive. In the heart of the national government, we have further expanded the momentum, strengthened the organization, and prepared the strength and base for the "second front".
【作者单位】: 中国石油大学(华东)马克思主义学院;


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