
发布时间:2018-04-11 18:14

  本文选题:南京国民政府 + 湖南 ; 参考:《湖南科技大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:在中华文明5000年的发展历程中,瘟疫无时不在,无数次侵袭着我们的先民,它是自然环境和社会环境综合作用的结果,有着极强的传染性与致命性,给人类带来了巨大的苦难。至南京国民政府统治时期,疫病流行依然猖獗。本文运用历史学、社会学、医学等方面的理论与知识,以南京国民政府统治时期(1928-1949年)为时间段,探讨湖南境内疫病流行状况、流行原因、解析其流行特点以及对当地社会所造成的危害和影响等。通过探讨,为以后疫病流行的防治提供一定的借鉴和参考。 这段时期影响湖南湖南境内主要的疫病多达数十种,几乎无年不发,无处不疫,尤其是1937年抗战开始以后逐渐加剧,平均每年都有数种疫病流行,有些年份有多达20-30个县份受到侵害,往往在很短的时间内就会造成“无人不病,无家不病,耕耘无夫,炊食无妇”的局面。疫病屡屡频繁流行,究其原因是当地的自然因素与社会因素综合作用的结果。湘省本身的气候、频发的水旱灾害为疾疫的孽生提供了适宜的自然条件;随着日军的铁蹄踏入湘境,战区城镇破坏不堪,难民不断增多,人口流动性剧增,加之民众不良的传统习惯和生活习俗、落后的医疗条件,恶劣的环境卫生进一步刺激疫病的流行与传播。湘省疫病本身就具有传染性大、发病率高的特点,在以上种种因素的刺激下,使得疫区范围更广,疫情发生频率更高;流行持续时间更长。 湘省疫病的广泛流行与传播,给社会带来了巨大的危害和影响。它严重危害民众的身体健康,导致大量人口染疫与死亡;破坏农村的社会经济;阻碍商业贸易的发展;消弱军队的战斗力,阻碍抗战;加剧财政的拮据;导致民众心理恐慌,社会秩序失衡等。
[Abstract]:In the 5000 years of development of Chinese civilization, plague has been constantly and innumerably attacking our ancestors. It is the result of the comprehensive action of natural environment and social environment, which has strong infectivity and fatality, and has brought great suffering to mankind.To the Nanjing National Government rule, the epidemic is still rampant.Based on the theories and knowledge of history, sociology and medicine, taking the period of Nanjing National Government (1928-1949) as a time period, this paper discusses the epidemic situation and causes of epidemic disease in Hunan.Analysis of its epidemic characteristics and the local society caused by harm and impact, and so on.Through the discussion, it can provide some reference for the prevention and cure of epidemic disease in the future.During this period, as many as dozens of major epidemics affected Hunan Province, almost every year, and there was no place without disease. In particular, after the War of Resistance against Japan began in 1937, the epidemic gradually intensified, and on average, several kinds of epidemic diseases were prevalent every year.In some years, as many as 20-30 counties have been infringed, often in a very short period of time will result in "no one is not sick, no disease, no husband, cooking without women."Epidemic disease is frequently prevalent, which is caused by the combined action of local natural factors and social factors.The climate of Hunan Province itself, frequent floods and droughts provide suitable natural conditions for the plague victims. With the Japanese army stepping into Hunan territory, the war zone towns are badly damaged, the number of refugees continues to increase, and the population mobility increases dramatically.In addition, poor traditional habits and living customs, backward medical conditions and poor environmental hygiene further stimulate the epidemic and spread of the epidemic.The epidemic disease in Hunan province itself has the characteristics of high infectivity and high incidence. Under the stimulation of the above factors, the epidemic area is wider, the epidemic frequency is higher, and the epidemic duration is longer.The widespread epidemic and spread of epidemic disease in Hunan province have brought great harm and influence to the society.It seriously endangers the health of the population and results in a large number of people infected with epidemics and deaths; undermines the social economy in the countryside; hinders the development of commercial trade; weakens the army's combat effectiveness and impedes the war against Japan; exacerbates financial constraints; and leads to psychological panic among the public.An imbalance in social order, etc.


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