发布时间:2018-04-12 09:19
本文选题:国共合作 + 国民党 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:环龙路44号(今南昌路180号)是第一次国共合作期间国民党上海执行部的旧址,曾一度成为上海国民革命的中心,并在第一次国共合作中发挥着重要作用,是上海重要的革命历史纪念旧址之一。 然而由于各方面因素的制约,执行部研究在很长一段时间内都得不到学界的重视。国共两党党史著作及地方史研究中仅有对国民党上海执行部较为简略的记载和介绍,对于执行部的专题论述与研究鲜有学者问津。 为了尽可能还原国民党上海执行部的历史原貌,本文以1924年—1926年的国民党上海执行部为研究对象。在执行部档案、来往信函以及《申报》、《民国日报》等多形式文献资料的基础上,以国民党一大为分界点,,具体阐述国民党上海执行部的形成和发展,理清其历史沿革,分析其机构设置及人员配比,系统归纳和评述国民党上海执行部存世期间所开展各类工作,着重研究其在地区党务、教育、宣传、妇女运动、青年工作以及工人运动等多方面工作情况,结合时代背景深入分析执行部撤销的主客观原因,评论其历史功绩,总结其经验教训。 国民党上海执行部是孙中山改组国民党以及第一次国共合作的直接产物,是这一历史时期内上海地区两党共同参与国民革命的重要历史写照。执行部工作以国共合作为开展基础,具有首创性,对于国共两党而言都是一次前所未有的尝试。为了实现第一次国共合作中“党内合作”的合作方式,共产党人纷纷以个人名义加入国民党,并陆续参与到执行部工作之中。然而执行部虽呈现出两党共事的历史局面,但在其实际工作中还是出现了斗争与合作并存的局面。国民党右派表面迎合,实则破坏,不断干扰和阻碍执行部日常工作的开展,孙中山逝世后,国民党右派更将破坏行动表现得淋漓尽致。国民党右派的分裂、共产党方面对执行部工作的经验缺乏与妥协、两党在执行部工作开展过程中着力点不一,都是造成执行部最终撤销的原因之一。 因此,肯定执行部的历史意义和研究价值,同时分析和吸取其两党合作失败的经验和教训,无论对历史还是现实而言都有相当大的裨益。
[Abstract]:No. 44 Ring Road (now Nanchang road 180) is the first site of Kuomintang Shanghai executive office during the first Kuomintang communist cooperation. It once became the center of Shanghai national revolution and played an important role in the first Kuomintang communist cooperation. It is one of Shanghai's important revolutionary history sites.
However, due to various factors, the implementation of the Ministry of research for a long time had not come to the attention of the academia. The research of KMT's history books and local history only to the KMT Shanghai executive Ministry is briefly recorded and introduced for special implementation of the Department of the discussion and research few scholars pay attention.
As far as possible in order to restore the original appearance of the history of the KMT Shanghai executive Ministry, in 1924 1926 the KMT Shanghai executive Ministry as the research object. In the implementation of the archives, correspondence and < > < declaration, and other forms of the newspaper > based on literature data, in the first national Congress of Kuomintang as the cut-off point, expounds the formation and development of the KMT Shanghai executive Ministry, clarify its historical evolution, analysis of the proportion of institutions and personnel, all the work carried out by the system summary and comment on the KMT Shanghai executive Ministry during the world, focuses on the research in the area of Party affairs, education, propaganda, women's movement, youth work and labor movement and other aspects of the work, according to the background analysis the implementation of the Ministry of the revocation of the subjective and objective reasons, review its historical achievements, summarize its experience and lessons.
The KMT Shanghai executive Ministry is Sun Zhongshan to reorganize the Kuomintang and the first KMT-CPC cooperation to direct product, is an important historical portrayal of this historical period in Shanghai area of bipartisan national revolution. The executive department work of the KMT-CPC cooperation basis, with the first, for the Kuomintang and the Communist Party is a hitherto unknown attempt. In order to achieve the first KMT-CPC cooperation in "inner-party cooperation" mode of cooperation, the Communists have to personally join the KMT, and continue to participate in the implementation of the work. Although the executive Ministry showed that the bipartisan historical situation, but in the actual work or the struggle and cooperation coexist. The right of the Kuomintang to the surface actually, failure, continuous interference and hindrance itsroutine work, after the death of Sun Zhongshan, the theirwrecking move performance thoroughly Due to the split of the Kuomintang rightists and the lack and compromise of the Communist Party's experience in the executive department, the two parties have different efforts in the implementation of the executive department, which is one of the reasons for the aboltion of the executive department.
Therefore, we must affirm the historical significance and research value of the executive department, and analyze and learn from the experience and lessons from the failure of the two party cooperation, which is of great benefit to both history and reality.
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2 王奇生;从“容共”到“容国”——1924—1927年国共党际关系再考察[J];近代史研究;2001年04期
3 李端生;向警予与上海《民国日报》副刊《妇女周报》[J];怀化师专学报;2001年04期
4 苗青;;国共合作见证地——国民党上海执行部[J];世纪;2010年02期
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