
发布时间:2018-04-23 00:30

  本文选题:清末 + 新式陆军 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:兵役制度是国家军事制度的重要组成部分,它随着国家和军队的形成而出现,并随着战争的需要和国家政治、经济、文化、军事、人口等的变化而不断发生变化。甲午战后,清政府仿照西方筹练新军,制定了一整套具有近代化特色的兵役制度,拉开了我国军队近代化的序幕。但长期以来,史学界对清末新军的兵役制度缺乏系统而全面的研究。基于此,笔者拟将清末新军的兵役制度作为本文的研究对象。 本文主要以清末的典籍以及当时的报刊资料为依据,在充分吸收、借鉴近代学者研究成果的基础上,结合军事学和社会学的相关知识,综合运用文献分析法、比较分析法等研究方法,论述了清末新军兵役制度的制定及执行情况,以历史唯物主义思想为指导,具体分析了兵役制度在执行过程中出现的问题及原因,并尝试探讨新军兵役制度的历史地位及其影响。 全文由绪言、正文和参考文献三部分组成,其中正文又分为三部分。 绪言对兵役制度、兵制、兵员征募制度等相关概念进行了厘定,介绍了国内外学术界对本课题及相关问题的研究现状,概述了本文选题的学术价值和意义。 正文由三部分组成。 第一部分,回顾历史,对我国历代的兵役制度进行梳理,说明兵役制度随着时代的变迁而不断发生变化,指出新的兵役制度取代旧兵役制度的必然性。在此基础上,笔者对清朝旧军的兵役制度进行了叙述和说明,主要论述了旧军——八旗、绿营、湘淮军在征兵、退伍方面的相关规定及执行情况,从其制定兵役制度的本身出发,分析了清代兵役制度不断发生变化的原因。 第二部分,主要从两个方面来论述清末新军的兵役制度。一方面,从募兵条件、征召办法和服役期限等方面,对清末新军征兵制度在文本方面的规定进行了梳理,说明征兵制度在制定的过程中有一个不断完善的过程;指出其在文本规定方面借鉴了中外兵制的长处,在我国军事近代化的道路上迈出了可贵的一步;同时也详细介绍了清末新军入伍的运作程序、征兵制度的执行情况和在执行的过程中存在的问题,并对问题产生的原因进行具体的分析。另一方面,着重探讨清末新军兵役制度的另一个组成部分——退伍制度。从退伍年限、退伍办法、对退伍兵的管理以及士兵退伍后清政府所采取的安置措施等方面分析了退伍制度在文本方面的规定,并针对非正常退伍——即士兵在服役期间阵亡、伤残等情况,清政府如何安置等问题也进行了简要的论述。然后详细介绍了清末新军退伍制度在操作过程中存在的问题,并分析了产生这种问题的原因。笔者认为,军人安置问题是一项军事社会系统工程,清末尚不具备安置所有退伍军人的基本条件。虽然新军退伍制度的本身及退伍后军人的安置工作还存在很多问题,但清末新军已经把士兵退伍后的安置问题纳入到了制度化的轨道,实开了我国近代军人安置的先河,这一点是不容置疑的。 第三部分,在总结全文的基础上,论述了清末新军兵役制度的历史地位及其对后世的影响。指出清末新军兵役制度的改革,是我国军事制度的一项重大变革,其在我国近代兵役制度的发展过程中具有承上启下的作用,对我国近代军制的变革也产生了十分重要的影响,同时也论述了清末新军兵役制度所存在的不足,以期对现代兵役制度的建设能够起到些许的借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:The military service system is an important part of the country ' s military system . With the formation of the nation and the army , it has changed constantly with the needs of the war and the changes of the country ' s political , economic , cultural , military and population . After the Sino - Japanese War , the Qing government has set up a set of military service system with the characteristics of modernization .

Based on the study of historical materialism and the relevant knowledge of military science and sociology , this paper discusses the formulation and implementation of military service system in the end of Qing Dynasty , and analyzes the problems and causes of military service system in the course of implementation , and tries to probe into the historical position and influence of the new military service system .

The whole text consists of three parts of preface , text and reference , in which the text is divided into three parts .

The introduction of the introduction to the military service system , the military system , the military personnel recruitment system and so on the relevant concepts , introduced the domestic and foreign academic research on this subject and related issues , and outlined the academic value and significance of this paper .

The text consists of three parts .

The first part , reviewing the history , combing the military service system in our country , illustrates that the military service system is constantly changing with the change of the times , pointing out that the new military service system replaces the old military service system . On this basis , the author mainly discusses the relevant regulations and the implementation of the old army _ 8 flag , the green battalion and the Xiang - Huai army in the recruitment and demobilization , and analyses the reasons for the changing of the military service system in the Qing Dynasty .

In the second part , the military service system of the new army in the late Qing Dynasty was discussed mainly from two aspects . On the one hand , the regulations of the recruitment system of the new army in the end of the Qing Dynasty were sorted out in terms of the conditions of the recruitment , the methods of recruitment and the duration of the service , which indicated that the recruitment system had a continuous process in the development process ;
It points out that it is a valuable step in the military modernization of our country .
At the same time , the article also introduces the operation procedure , the implementation of the recruitment system and the problems existing in the course of implementation and the causes of the problem . On the other hand , the article mainly discusses the problems existing in the operation process of the new military service system in the end of Qing Dynasty , and analyzes the reasons for the problem .

The third part , on the basis of summarizing the whole , discusses the historical position of the new military service system in the late Qing Dynasty and its influence on the later generations . It points out that the reform of the military service system in the end of Qing Dynasty is a major change in the military system of our country . It has an important influence on the reform of the modern military service system in our country . At the same time , it also discusses the shortage of the new military service system in the end of Qing Dynasty , with a view to the construction of the modern military service system .



相关期刊论文 前10条

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2 任同芹;论晚清军队的优抚制度[D];河南大学;2003年

3 孔曼;论清末民初中国军事奖惩制度[D];河南大学;2006年

4 陈鑫;当代中国兵役制度改革研究[D];中国政法大学;2008年

5 刘凝凡;曾国藩湘军筹饷问题研究[D];西南大学;2009年




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