发布时间:2018-05-05 15:18
本文选题:孙中山 + 越南华侨 ; 参考:《南京大学》2011年博士论文
【摘要】:越南是一个华侨华人较多的国家。进入越南的中国移民,与中国一直保持着千丝万缕的联系。自古以来,越南就和中国关系密切,深受中国儒家文化影响。对于越南华侨华人群体而言,目前学界关于越南华侨的研究,习惯于把它从越南政体历史中分割出来。如他们对越南各个时期华人政策的论述颇为详尽,分析也颇具深度,但却普遍缺乏宏观视角和理论探讨。越南学者主要倾向于从越南社会经济发展角度探讨华人经济的地位,以及华人族群与当地社会的关系等问题,但迄今为止,似未曾有越南华侨与辛亥革命之间关系研究的专门论著问世。因此,对于越南华侨与辛亥革命之间关系的研究,是一个有待开发的新课题。在本文当中,我们将努力站在越南华侨立场上,把越南华侨作为研究对象,全面深入地研究越南华侨与辛亥革命的相互关系问题。在系统梳理辛亥革命时期越南华侨思想演变脉络的基础上,拟尝试从宏观层面对辛亥革命过程中的一些关键问题,如越中关系、越南华侨以及越南人民与孙中山之间的内在联系等问题进行探讨,以期对越南华人研究有所补益。同时冀望进行越南华侨与辛亥革命关系的专题研究,以增强越南华侨史和辛亥革命史研究的薄弱环节。本文运用历史学的理论与方法,以文献分析和实证分析为基础,适度运用国际关系、外交学理论与方法,对中、法、越的三边关系展开诠释,构建越南华侨与辛亥革命关系之真实历史场景,以对此进行一定深度的学理探讨与深刻思考。 本文研究的主要内容是: 一是,依据前人研究成果,进一步补充新材料,介绍在辛亥革命之前,特别是法国统治越南时期,越南华侨的基本情况、社会地位和对越南经济、社会的贡献。从分析华侨移居越南的历史背景、原因、华侨构成、华侨华人对越南社会经济文化的贡献、越南当地政府对华侨华人的政策等方面入手,论述辛亥革命前越南的华侨华人社会,探讨辛亥革命之前对越南华人政策演变的脉络,并拟尝试从宏观上对演变过程中的一些关键问题做出历史性透视,进而对越中关系、越南人民以及越南华侨本地化进程与华人政策之间的内在联系进行探讨。 二是,根据丰富的中文、越文、法文文献资料,尤其是越南档案馆的原始文献,试图运用历史学的理论与方法,对中、法、越的三边关系开展实证分析,为主题论证提供一个客观环境,藉以深刻考察辛亥革命前孙中山与越南华侨的关系,并重建越南华侨和孙中山、同盟会之间互动关系的主要史实。孙中山长期在越南华侨中开展革命活动,启迪越南华侨的革命觉悟,增进越南华侨的爱国凝聚力,为提升越南华侨在近代民主革命史上的地位作出了极大努力。广大越南华侨志士由爱国走向革命,追随孙中山进行革命,多方位支持孙氏的革命救国斗争。研究辛亥革命前孙中山在国内活动对越南华侨影响这一问题,不仅可以丰富我们对孙中山革命思想和革命活动的认识,还能深刻了解孙中山在与越南华侨接触和交往过程中双方的互动关系。这种互动关系主要表现在:孙中山以自己鲜明的个性和魅力,唤起了越南华侨的民族爱国主义意识,调动了广大爱国华侨的革命积极性,为“华侨是中国革命之母”提供了令人叹服的历史见证。而越南华侨革命态度的转变、思想觉悟的提高,以及对孙中山革命事业的积极支持,使得孙中山从中受到启发和鼓舞,以致于他在辛亥革命后期改变起义计划,转移了同盟会活动中心和筹款依靠对象,使越南一度成为革命的大本营和策源地。由此可见,对越南华侨的积极争取,无疑为孙中山的革命事业莫定了物质基础和群众基础。但是,孙中山在唤起华侨民族意识,激发华侨革命热情过程中,过高估计了越南华侨的革命力量,不切实际地向越南华侨提出过多经济等方面的要求,同时又持续不断地组织军事行动,这在一定程度上不仅影响了华侨革命党人的积极性,而且客观上也影响了辛亥革命的进程。 三是,笔者试图从越南华侨对孙中山革命事业的积极支持和参与,以及对于越南华侨所表现出的众志成城、共赴国难、积极支援革命事业,且不甘人后的令人感奋的实例的简要记述,略窥越南华侨积极支持和参与孙中山的辛亥革命,并为其做出多方面贡献的事迹,充分论述和展现越南华侨的爱国主义精神。鉴于对于这一问题过去相关研究不多的情况,在本文当中,笔者将围绕越南华侨在辛亥革命中的地位与作用这一主线展开论述,从而使孙中山与越南华侨间这段重要的历史事迹能够得以真切而生动地彰显于世。为此,笔者参阅了大量文献资料,用两个章节讨论以上问题,并对越南华侨组织、舆论阵地的兴起、发展演变、内部机制以及在辛亥革命中的地位与作用都作了深入的研究分析。 对于以上内容,笔者主要从以下几方面加以论述:1、辛亥革命促使越南华侨更加积极地支持祖国革命与建设;促进越南华侨的联合与团结;有力地推动了华侨文化教育事业的发展;广泛地传播了资产阶级新思想。并在此基础上,认为这几方面的影响是在越南华侨增强民族意识和爱国观念的作用下产生的,而且确实也增强了越南华侨的民族意识和爱国观念。这是辛亥革命对越南华侨社会最重大深远的影响。2、强调了中国辛亥革命取得胜利对越南在政治上、思想上、组织上、行动上的巨大影响。武昌起义直接鼓舞了越南解放运动的开展,笔者对此提出了自己的独到见解,那就是孙中山的革命理论实际上也积极影响了一批越南爱国者,如潘佩珠和胡志明。他们在孙中山革命理论指导下,积极寻找救国之路,将中国革命实践的理论应用于越南,指导越南的革命斗争。3、文章尽可能广泛地考察了孙中山及其辛亥革命运动与越南的关系,认为越南华侨与孙中山的关系不单纯是两者之间的关系,而是将这种越、中两国的历史关系放在越南所处的国际环境中加以把握。由于篇幅所限,本文尽量压缩了孙中山在越南开展革命活动的历史背景,如:越中近代关系以及孙中山运动自身变迁的记述。 由于史料限制等原因,越南华侨与辛亥革命的研究还存在不足,但希望本项课题能对此做出一点贡献。这个课题不仅对越南华侨史的研究,而且对辛亥革命、中国革命史和越中关系的研究都做了多侧面、多角度的考察,同时对相关问题的研究历史与现状都给予了关注。从这个意义上说,本文或可为越南华侨史的研究,辛亥革命史、中国革命史、越中关系的研究提供某些便利,对中国近代史的教学和研究也会具有一定的参考作用。由于篇幅限制,对众多研究成果亦不可能广为介绍,对重要的研究成果也无法详加评说;另外局限于个人研究水平,本文在文章取舍、成果推介、论点引述、内容陈述及论文目录的搜集整理分类等方面,均难免存在缺点或错误,切望读者指点匡正。 总之,笔者希望通过本文的研究,能更有利于完善越南华侨史、越中关系的评价机制,更有利于对越中近现代史的复杂性作出新的理解与解释。
[Abstract]:Vietnam is a country with many overseas Chinese. Chinese immigrants entering Vietnam have been closely linked with China. Since ancient times, Vietnam has been closely related to China and has been deeply influenced by Chinese Confucian culture. For the Vietnamese Chinese and Chinese, the study of Vietnamese overseas Chinese is used to take it from the Vietnamese regime. However, the Vietnamese scholars tend to discuss the status of the Chinese economy and the relationship between the Chinese ethnic group and the local society, as well as the relationship between the Chinese ethnic group and the local society, but the Vietnamese scholars are mainly inclined to discuss the status of the Chinese economy and the relationship between the Chinese ethnic group and the local society. So far, there seems to be no special treatise on the relationship between the Vietnamese Chinese and the 1911 Revolution. Therefore, the study of the relationship between the Vietnamese overseas Chinese and the 1911 Revolution is a new topic to be developed. In this article, we will try to stand on the Vietnamese Chinese position and take the Vietnamese overseas Chinese as the research object, and make a comprehensive and in-depth study. The relationship between the overseas Chinese and the 1911 Revolution in Vietnam is discussed. On the basis of the systematic review of the evolution of the thought evolution of the Vietnamese Chinese in the 1911 Revolution, some key problems in the process of the 1911 Revolution, such as the Sino Vietnamese relations, the Vietnamese Chinese and the internal relations between the Vietnamese people and Sun Zhongshan, are discussed. In order to make up for the study of Vietnamese Chinese, we hope to carry out a special study on the relationship between the overseas Chinese and the 1911 Revolution in order to strengthen the weak link of the history of the Vietnamese overseas Chinese and the history of the 1911 Revolution. The interpretation of the relationship between the three sides of China, the law and the more, the real historical scene of the relationship between the Vietnamese Chinese and the 1911 Revolution was constructed to carry out a deep study and deep thinking.
The main contents of this paper are as follows:
First, according to the achievements of previous studies, we should further supplement the new materials and introduce the basic situation, social status and contribution to Vietnam's economy and society before the revolution of 1911, especially in the period of the rule of France in Vietnam, and the historical background of the migration of overseas Chinese to Vietnam, the reasons, the overseas Chinese, the Chinese and Chinese and the social and economic culture of Vietnam. To contribute, the Vietnamese local government's policy on Chinese and overseas Chinese, discuss the Chinese Chinese society before the 1911 Revolution and discuss the evolution of the Vietnamese Chinese policy before the 1911 Revolution, and try to make a historical perspective on the key issues in the evolution process from the macro perspective, and then to the Vietnamese people. The relationship between localization process of Vietnamese overseas Chinese and Chinese policy is discussed.
The two is, according to the rich Chinese, Vietnamese, French documents, especially the original documents of the Vietnamese archives, try to use the theory and method of history to carry out an empirical analysis of the relationship between the Chinese, the law and the more the three sides, to provide an objective environment for the theme demonstration, so as to deeply investigate the relationship between Sun Zhongshan and the Vietnamese in Vietnam before the 1911 Revolution and rebuild it. The main historical facts of the interaction between the Vietnamese Chinese and the overseas Chinese and Sun Zhongshan and the Alliance Association. Sun Zhongshan carried out the revolutionary activities among the Vietnamese overseas Chinese for a long time, enlightened the revolutionary consciousness of the Vietnamese overseas Chinese, promoted the patriotic cohesion of the Vietnamese overseas Chinese, and made great efforts to improve the position of the Vietnamese overseas Chinese in the history of modern democratic revolution. Patriotism went to the revolution, followed Sun Zhongshan to carry out the revolution and supported sun's revolutionary national struggle in many directions. The study of the influence of Sun Zhongshan on the Vietnamese Chinese before the 1911 Revolution not only enriched our understanding of Sun Zhongshan's revolutionary thoughts and revolutionary activities, but also deeply understood Sun Zhongshan's contact and exchange with the Vietnamese overseas Chinese. The interaction relationship between the two parties in the process is mainly manifested in the following: Sun Zhongshan arouses the national patriotism consciousness of the Vietnamese Chinese, arouses the revolutionary enthusiasm of the patriotic Chinese and overseas Chinese, and provides an impressive historical witness for "the overseas Chinese is the mother of the Chinese revolution". The change of life attitude, the improvement of ideological consciousness and the positive support to Sun Zhongshan's revolutionary cause made Sun Zhongshan inspire and inspire him, so that he changed the plan of uprisings in the late 1911 Revolution, transferred the center of the alliance and the fundraising object, and made Vietnam a revolutionary base and source. The active struggle for the Vietnamese Chinese is undoubtedly the material basis and the mass basis for Sun Zhongshan's revolutionary cause. However, Sun Zhongshan overestimated the revolutionary forces of the Vietnamese overseas Chinese in the process of arousing the ethnic consciousness of the overseas Chinese and arousing the revolutionary enthusiasm of the overseas Chinese, and unrealistic demands for the economic and other aspects of the Vietnamese overseas Chinese, and at the same time The continuous organization of military action, to a certain extent, not only affects the enthusiasm of the Chinese Revolution Party members, but also objectively affects the progress of the revolution of 1911.
Three, the author tries to give a brief account of the positive support and participation of the Vietnamese overseas Chinese in the revolutionary cause of Sun Zhongshan, as well as a brief account of the national difficulties, the revolutionary cause, and the inspiring examples of the oversea Chinese, which are shown by the Vietnamese overseas Chinese, and a brief glimpse of the Vietnamese overseas Chinese to actively support and participate in the 1911 Revolution of Sun Zhongshan. In this paper, the author will discuss the importance of the status and role of the Vietnamese overseas Chinese in the 1911 Revolution, so that the importance of Sun Zhongshan and the overseas Chinese in Vietnam will be discussed in this paper. The historical facts can be vividly and vividly shown in the world. For this reason, I have read a lot of documents and discussed the above problems in two chapters, and made an in-depth study and analysis of the rise, evolution, internal mechanism and the position and role of the overseas Chinese overseas Chinese, the rise of the position of public opinion, the development and evolution, the internal mechanism and the revolution of 1911.
In the following aspects, the author mainly discusses the following aspects: 1, the revolution of 1911 prompted the Vietnamese Chinese to support the revolution and construction of the motherland more actively; promote the Union and unity of the overseas Chinese in Vietnam; vigorously promoted the development of the Chinese cultural and educational undertakings; and widely spread the new bourgeois ideas. On this basis, it is believed that The influence of these aspects is produced by the Vietnamese Chinese to strengthen their national consciousness and patriotism, and indeed enhance the national consciousness and patriotism of the Vietnamese overseas Chinese. This is the most profound and far-reaching influence of the 1911 Revolution on the Vietnamese Chinese society,.2, which emphasizes the political and ideological of the victory of the revolution of 1911 to Vietnam. The great influence on organization and action. The Wuchang uprising directly inspired the movement of the liberation movement of Vietnam. The author put forward his own opinion, that is, Sun Zhongshan's revolutionary theory has actually influenced a number of Vietnamese patriots, such as Pan Peizhu and Hu Zhiming. They are actively seeking to save the country under the guidance of Sun Zhongshan's revolutionary theory. The road, applying the theory of Chinese revolutionary practice to Vietnam, directs the revolutionary struggle of Vietnam.3. The article examines the relationship between Sun Zhongshan and his 1911 revolutionary movement and Vietnam as far as possible. The relationship between the Vietnamese Chinese and Sun Zhongshan is not simply the relationship between the two, but the historical relationship between the two countries is placed in Vietnam. Because of the limit of the space, this article tries to compress the historical background of Sun Zhongshan's revolutionary activities in Vietnam, such as the relationship between the Vietnam and the modern times and the account of the change of Sun Zhongshan's movement.
Because of the limitation of historical materials, the study of the Vietnamese Chinese and the 1911 Revolution is still inadequate, but it is hoped that this topic can make a contribution to this. This topic is not only a study of the history of the Vietnamese overseas Chinese, but also the research of the 1911 Revolution, the Chinese revolution history and the relationship between the Vietnam and the China. In this sense, this article may provide some convenience for the study of the history of the Vietnamese overseas Chinese, the history of the 1911 Revolution, the history of the Chinese revolution and the relationship between the Vietnam and the Vietnam. It will also have a certain reference for the teaching and research of the modern history of China. For the introduction, the important research results can not be described in detail. In addition, limited to the level of personal research, this article will inevitably have shortcomings and mistakes in the collection and selection of the article, the introduction of the results, the introduction of the argument, the collection and sorting of the contents of the paper and the catalogue of the papers.
In a word, the author hopes that through this study, it is more conducive to the improvement of the history of Vietnamese overseas Chinese and the evaluation mechanism of the relationship between Vietnam and Vietnam, which is more conducive to a new understanding and interpretation of the complexity of the more modern and modern history of Vietnam.
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