本文选题:民国时期 + 汶川县 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 岷江上游地区即今阿坝藏族羌族自治州,境内有汶川县、茂县、理县、松潘和黑水五县。目前,该地区正面临着由传统资源开发模式向可持续发展道路的转变,因此该地区的地理环境及自然资源开发利用是人们关注的热点问题。汶川县位于岷江上游,2008年5月12日汶川发生里氏8.0级的地震,人们的目光又聚焦在该地区人与自然环境的关系上。本文选择民国时期,以汶川县森林资源、药材资源、矿产资源三种自然资源为例,对该县自然资源的开发利用情况做初步的研究。 汶川县处于岷江上游的边远地区,有着得天独厚的自然资源,民国时期四川省政府采取的开发自然资源来促进社会经济发展的思路时正确的,政府在自然资源开发利用过程中颁布的政策、法规等有积极的一面,但同时当大规模的资源开发之势到来之时,对保护自然资源所起到的作用是有限的。 民国时期汶川县自然资源的开发利用,在一定程度上促进了汶川县经济的发展,同时也为成都等地提供了大量经济建设所必需的原材料(如木材等)。天然药材的开发利用,表现为当地老百姓自发采掘,经药商收购至或自行运往灌县销售。在药材的贸易过程中,出现了药栈、行栈等药品管理组织。森林资源的开发主要为木商、木号组织工人伐木,并利用岷江漂运至灌县,再由灌县发往到全国各地。矿产资源的开发,尤其是金矿的开发,对少数民族老百姓的经济收入起到了很好的提高和促进作用。 民国时期汶川县自然资源过度的开发造成生态环境恶化的客观后果是客观存在的,大面积的森林资源被砍伐,必然导致生态环境的恶化,从而引起水土流失、水旱灾频发以及气候异常等后果。
[Abstract]:The upper reaches of the Minjiang River is Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, there are Wenchuan County, Maoxian County, Li County, Songpan and Heishui five counties. At present, the region is facing the transition from the traditional mode of resource development to the way of sustainable development, so the geographical environment and the exploitation and utilization of natural resources in this area are the hot issues that people pay attention to. Wenchuan County is located in the upper reaches of Minjiang River, May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake of magnitude 8.0, people's eyes on the relationship between people and natural environment in this area. In this paper, taking the forest resources, medicinal materials resources and mineral resources of Wenchuan County as an example, this paper makes a preliminary study on the exploitation and utilization of the natural resources in Wenchuan County during the period of the Republic of China. Wenchuan County is located in the remote area of the upper reaches of Minjiang River, it has unique natural resources. In the period of the Republic of China, the Sichuan Provincial Government adopted the idea of exploiting natural resources to promote social and economic development. The policies and regulations issued by the government in the process of exploitation and utilization of natural resources have a positive side, but at the same time, when the trend of large-scale exploitation of resources comes, the role of protecting natural resources is limited. In the period of the Republic of China, the exploitation and utilization of natural resources in Wenchuan County promoted the economic development of Wenchuan County to a certain extent, and at the same time provided a large number of raw materials (such as timber and so on) necessary for economic construction in Chengdu and other places. The development and utilization of natural medicinal materials, manifested in the spontaneous extraction of local people, purchased by drug dealers or shipped to Guanxian for sale. In the course of the trade of medicinal materials, pharmaceutical stacks, line stacks and other drug management organizations appeared. The development of forest resources is mainly for wood merchants, wooden number organization workers logging, and using the Minjiang River drift to Guanxian, and then sent from Guanxian to all parts of the country. The exploitation of mineral resources, especially gold mines, has played a good role in raising and promoting the economic income of the minority people. During the period of the Republic of China, the objective consequence of the deterioration of the ecological environment caused by the excessive exploitation of natural resources in Wenchuan County was objective, and the extensive forest resources were cut down, which will inevitably lead to the deterioration of the ecological environment, thus causing soil and water loss. Frequent water and drought and climate anomalies and other consequences.
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