本文选题:近代 + 妇女团体 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The development of women's groups in Shandong Province from 1919 to 1945 was divided into two stages. Their rise resulted from the exploration of saving the nation from the national crisis in modern China, the introduction of western thoughts, the development of women's education and the storm of the 1911 Revolution, which gave birth to Shandong women's groups. Several patriotic movements since May 4th and later have further promoted women's groups in Shandong Province to become active on the political stage. The Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China regard the women's movement as an important part of the mobilization of the people. As a result, the Women's academic Council was formed, and the National Convention was promoted. In this process, the strength of women's groups was strengthened, but the spontaneous organization was gradually led by the two parties. After the Nanjing National Government took over the leadership of the whole country, women's groups experienced rectification, mostly aimed at improving women's life, raising women's education level and serving the society. Charitable organizations are active because of their development. Women's groups at this stage are greatly affected by the changes in the social environment, most of which are of short duration, small size and weak strength, but in the process of enlightening and improving the lives of women, especially educated women, Raising the level of women's knowledge has still played a role. The full outbreak of the War of Resistance opened the second stage of women's groups in Shandong Province. The development of women's groups in the areas under the control of the State is not satisfactory, and the Communist Party has gradually established a system of women's rescue organizations in the base areas from the bottom up, which mobilized and organized millions of women during the War of Resistance against Japan. It provided a strong material guarantee for the victory of the anti-Japanese war and made important contributions to the advancement of women's liberation. It can be seen that the theme of the nation-state runs through the development of women's groups in Shandong, which provides space for the development of the feminist movement and accelerates the pace of women's liberation, but at the same time, it should also be noted. This Chinese feminist movement, which is guided by the national / national interests as a whole, is faced with the dilemma of failing to change the social cultural psychological structure formed by the traditional cultural concept and value standard of inferiority and superiority of men and women at a deep level.
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