本文选题:疾病防治 + 合法性建构 ; 参考:《江西社会科学》2017年04期
【摘要】:血防之初,长期遭受"瘟神"摧残的疫区人民,对新政权血防能力心存怀疑,认为新政权同旧政权一样,不可能医治好"华佗也难医"的血吸虫病。党和政府则把血吸虫病隐喻成"反动旧政权",将血吸虫病的蔓延归结为旧政权反动统治造成的结果 ,把"消灭血吸虫病"作为展示新政权优越性、建构新政权合法性的重要途径。血防运动中广大党员、干部发挥优良作风,为新政权树立了良好的形象。新政权消灭了给疫区群众带来巨大灾难的、旧政权无可奈何的血吸虫病,极大地提高了疫区人民的健康、生产和生活水平,从而赢得了人民群众对新政权政治合法性的高度认同。
[Abstract]:At the beginning of blood control, the people in the epidemic area, who had suffered from the plague god for a long time, had doubts about the ability of the new regime to prevent the disease, and thought that the new regime, like the old regime, could not cure the schistosomiasis that "Hua Tuo was difficult to cure". The Party and the government referred to schistosomiasis as the "reactionary old regime", attributed the spread of schistosomiasis to the result of the reactionary rule of the old regime, and "eliminated schistosomiasis" as a demonstration of the superiority of the new regime. The important way to construct the legitimacy of the new regime. The broad masses of Party members and cadres have set up a good image for the new regime by giving play to their fine style of work. The new regime has eliminated schistosomiasis, which has brought great disaster to the masses in the epidemic areas, and the old regime has had no choice but to raise the health, production and living standards of the people in the affected areas. Thus won the people to the political legitimacy of the new regime highly recognized.
【作者单位】: 江西师范大学历史文化与旅游学院;江西师范大学马克思主义学院;
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