本文选题:新中国成立初期 + 湖北省 ; 参考:《当代中国史研究》2014年06期
[Abstract]:From the founding of People's Republic of China in October 1949 to the end of land reform in December 1952, it was the construction period of the rural grass-roots political power system in New China. In order to effectively integrate the rural grass-roots organizations in new Jiefang District, the Communist Party of China began to vigorously select and train rural cadres in the rural areas of the new area. In the case of the initial construction of the regime and the shortage of cadres in Hubei Province, the Communist Party of China has opened the country. After a short period of training, a large number of rural cadres have been selected and trained by the combination of the mass line and the leadership review. The selection process pays attention to the comprehensiveness and objectivity. It embodies the characteristics of the Chinese Communist Party relying on the people, democracy and centralization, and has fully applied the working methods of the party's mass line. It has promoted the rural base. The reform and establishment of the political power has made the quality of the cadres generally improved, closely related to the relationship between the cadres and the masses, laid the foundation for the social change in the countryside, and also provided a historical inspiration for the construction of the cadres in the rural areas in China today.
【作者单位】: 华中农业大学马克思主义学院;湖北省中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心;复旦大学马克思主义理论博士后工作站;
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