发布时间:2018-06-07 22:45
本文选题:孙诒让 + 经学 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 孙诒让是晚清著名学者,也是清代富有盛名的学术大师之一。他终生致力于学术研究,涉足经学、子学、文字学、方志学等多个领域,且都取得了巨大的成就。在经学方面,孙诒让最大的成绩体现在对《周礼》的研究。《周礼》历来是学者们研究的焦点之一,他在继承、吸收前人研究成果的基础上,对这些成果进行了很好的疏理和总结,并纠正和弥补了许多错误和不足。同时,又采用“以大宰八法为纲”和“义例归纳”两种方法疏解经文,并进行了大量的文字训诂和名物制度考证工作,最终完成了《周礼正义》这部集大成之作。在子学方面,孙诒让以一部《墨子晵诂》为标志,对清代学者的《墨子》研究进行了全面的总结,使沉寂已久的墨学研究得到了全面的复兴,又为二十世纪墨学研究的兴起与兴盛打开了方便之门。在文字学方面,他于17岁时开始研究金文,对众多铜器铭文进行了考释,又对前人的考释进行了补充、修正,而先后完成的《古籀拾遗》、《古籀余论》两部著作及多篇论文正是对其研究的总结。金文之外,孙氏又涉及甲骨文研究。甲骨文是记载商代历史的宝贵材料,在其出现之初,并未受到学者们的重视。但是随着《铁云藏龟》这部书的出版,则昭示了甲骨文研究的开始。得到此书后,孙氏凭借其深厚的古文字研究功底,花费了两个月时间对其进行考释、校读,终于完成了甲骨文研究的首部专著──《契文举例》,成为甲骨文研究的第一人和甲骨学的开山之祖。随后,孙氏又利用其金文和甲骨文的研究成果,著成《名原》一书。在书中孙氏一方面对自己的古文字研究进行了全面的总结,另一方面又力图探求古文字发展变化的规律。在方志学方面,孙氏不仅亲自参与了多部地方志的编纂和校勘工作,而且在实践中对方志的编纂理论与方法进行了研究和探讨。当然,孙氏的学术研究也有不足,如笃信《周礼》为周公所作、研究方法受限于传统、理论未能形成体系等。这些不足的产生既有其自身的原因,也有时代的局限,最终使他未能实现对传统学术的跨越。
[Abstract]:Sun Yirong is a famous scholar in late Qing Dynasty and one of the most famous academic masters in Qing Dynasty. He has devoted his whole life to academic research, and has made great achievements in many fields, such as classics, sublearning, philology, philology and so on. In the area of Confucian classics, Sun Yirong's greatest achievements are reflected in the study of Zhou Li. Zhou Li has always been one of the focal points of scholars' research. He inherited and absorbed the achievements of previous studies. These achievements have been well groomed and summarized, and many mistakes and deficiencies have been corrected and remedied. At the same time, the text is interpreted by the two methods of "taking the Dazai eight methods as the outline" and "the righteousness example induces", and a lot of textual research work on the textual exegesis and the system of famous objects is carried out. In terms of sublearning, Sun Yirong, marked by a book called "Mozi", made a comprehensive summary of the study of "Mozi" by scholars in the Qing Dynasty, and gave a comprehensive revival to the long-dormant study of Mohism. It also opened the door for the rise and prosperity of the study of Mohism in the 20 ~ (th) century. At the age of 17, he began to study the inscriptions of many bronze inscriptions, and supplemented and amended his predecessors' explanations. The collection of ancient Zhou, the last two books and many papers are the summary of their research. In addition to Jin Wen, Sun was also involved in the study of oracle bone inscriptions. Oracle bone inscription is a valuable material to record the history of Shang Dynasty. But with the publication of Iron Clouds Turtle, it was the beginning of the study of Oracle. After he got this book, Sun spent two months studying and studying it with his deep knowledge of ancient Chinese characters. Finally, he finished the first monograph of oracle bone inscription, the example of chiffon, and became the first person to study oracle bone and the ancestor of oracle bone science. Later, Sun made use of his research results of the inscriptions and oracle bone inscriptions. In the book, Sun makes a comprehensive summary of his study of ancient characters, on the other hand, he tries to explore the law of the development and change of ancient characters. In the aspect of local chronology, Sun not only participated in the compilation and collation of many local chronicles, but also studied and discussed the compilation theory and method of local chronicles in practice. Of course, Sun's academic research also has some shortcomings, such as believing that Zhou Li was made by Zhou Gong, that the research methods are limited by tradition, and that the theory fails to form a system, and so on. These deficiencies have their own reasons, but also the limitations of the times, which ultimately made him unable to achieve the leapfrogging of the traditional academic.
相关期刊论文 前10条
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8 董朴W,