[Abstract]:The formation of the anti - Japanese national united front , which is based on the co - operation of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China , is the need for unity and unity to fight the aggression of Japanese imperialism . The formation of the second Kuomintang co - operation is the result of the joint efforts of the two sides , and the Communist Party has played an important role in it , and the left wing of the Kuomintang has played a very important role in this , and plays a very important role in the formation and development of the second country .
In the early part of China ' s revolution , the Communist Party and its leaders have used the words of the left of the Kuomintang ( KMT ) .
The second chapter analyzes the attitude and political opinions of the Kuomintang Left Party to the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China . After the failure of the Great Revolution , the Left Wing of the Kuomintang has gradually recognized Chiang Kai - shek and Wang Ching - wei ' s false - left - wing face . With the invasion of Japanese imperialism and the aggravation of the ethnic crisis , the left - wing of the Kuomintang began to erect the banner of anti - Chiang Kai - Japanese War . By analyzing the current situation , they changed their attitude towards the Communist Party of China , and put forward various political opinions on the resolution of the national crisis . They have always adhered to the principle of anti - imperialist and patriotic , and closely cooperated with the Communist Party of China , calling for the anti - Japanese and anti - surrender .
Chapter Three analyzes the role of the Kuomintang left in the second Kuomintang - Communist co - operation . In the process of contributing to the formation of the second Kuomintang - Kuomintang co - operation , from criticizing Chiang Kai - shek ' s policy of " making Chiang Kai - shek " and calling on the Kuomintang to work together , to support the peaceful settlement of Xi ' an Incident and to create the conditions for the second Kuomintang - Communist co - operation , the left wing of the Kuomintang has played an extremely important role .
In the maintenance of the second co - operation , the Left Party of the Kuomintang adheres to the " three slogans " proposed by the Communist Party of China , adheres to the anti - Japanese war , opposes surrender , insists on unity , opposes disintegration , insists on progress , opposes retrogression , actively maintains the second Kuomintang co - operation , and crushed Japan ' s attempts to split the united front ;
During the process of promoting the development of the second national co - operation , the Left Wing of the Kuomintang has always stood at the angle of maintaining the co - operation of the Kuomintang and critically criticized the reactionary actions of Chiang Kai - shek in the sense of national righteousness , and helped the Communist Party to cross over a difficult and positive development of the second Kuomintang - Communist co - operation .
The fourth chapter discusses the influence of the second Kuomintang party cooperation on the left wing of the Kuomintang .
On the ideological side , the Left Party of the Kuomintang realizes that the so - called third road is not feasible at all in a semi - colonial and semi - feudal society . They embrace the political proposition of the Communist Party of China , oppose Chiang Kai - shek ' s party dictatorship , and call for the establishment of a democratic coalition government in China to safeguard the interests of the people .
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