
发布时间:2018-07-13 16:12
【摘要】: 中国“工合”运动(以下简称“工合”)作为抗日战争时期群众性的、自发的经济救亡运动,在组织民众、支前生产、赈济难民、争取外援诸方面,都曾发挥了积极作用,曾被称为“是一个令人难以置信的事业”。在中国抗战史和经济史中有着重要影响,本文试图通过对“工合”运动的系统考察,从制度经济学的视角,对其在抗日战争后期衰落的原因进行了研究。 全文共分六个部分。 第一部分,导论。介绍了本文的研究背景和意义、研究目的和方法、研究思路和框架、拟研究的问题以及可能的创新点和不足。 第二部分,制度经济学的主要理论及研究方法。详细介绍了制度经济学中制度和制度变迁理论,制度变迁中的国家理论以及产权理论和制度经济学的研究方法。 第三部分,合作经济理论综述。分为合作经济理论综述和中国对合作经济的研究。前者综观国内外学者研究成果,回顾了对合作、合作社、合作制与合作经济理论的研究,后者主要总结了中国合作经济理论的研究状况。 第四部分,“工合”运动的历程。讲述了抗日战争时期“工合”运动的兴起、发展和衰落的过程。 第五部分,“工合”运动衰落的制度经济学分析。该部分结合制度经济学中制度变迁理论和国家理论、产权理论的相关内容,对“工合”运动衰落的原因进行分析。 第六部分,结论。文章最后指出合作经济组织的产生有其历史必然性;合作经济组织产权界定是在权衡其收益和成本的博弈过程中完成的;合作经济组织较好的平衡了公平和效率的关系;组织必须设计适当的激励机制来实现其公共利益。
[Abstract]:As a mass and spontaneous economic salvation movement during the War of Resistance against Japan, China's "Industrial Cooperation" movement has played an active role in organizing the public, supporting production, providing relief to refugees and seeking foreign aid. It was once called "an incredible career". It has an important influence in the history of China's anti-Japanese war and economic history. This paper attempts to study the causes of its decline in the later period of the Anti-Japanese War from the perspective of institutional economics through a systematic investigation of the movement of "Gonghe". The full text is divided into six parts. The first part, introduction. This paper introduces the research background and significance, the purpose and method, the research ideas and framework, the problems to be studied, and the possible innovation points and shortcomings. The second part, the main theories and research methods of institutional economics. This paper introduces in detail the theory of institution and institutional change in institutional economics, the state theory in institutional change, and the research methods of property right theory and institutional economics. The third part summarizes the theory of cooperative economy. It is divided into cooperative economy theory review and China's research on cooperative economy. The former reviews the research results of scholars at home and abroad, reviews the research on the theories of cooperation, cooperatives, cooperative system and cooperative economy, while the latter summarizes the research status of cooperative economic theory in China. The fourth part, the movement of "Gonghe" process. This paper describes the rise, development and decline of Gonghe Movement during the War of Resistance against Japan. The fifth part is the institutional economics analysis of the decline of Gonghe Movement. This part analyzes the causes of the decline of the "industrial cooperation" movement by combining the institutional change theory and the state theory in institutional economics and the relevant contents of the property rights theory. The sixth part, conclusion. Finally, the paper points out that the emergence of cooperative economic organization has its historical inevitability, that the definition of property right of cooperative economic organization is completed in the process of balancing its income and cost, and that cooperative economic organization has a better balance between fairness and efficiency; Organizations must design appropriate incentives to achieve their public interest.


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