
发布时间:2018-07-15 12:45
【摘要】:1918年3月至1920年6月是北洋直系军阀张敬尧统治湖南时期。1917年,孙中山联合西南军阀以“打倒假共和,建立真共和”为口号,掀起“护法运动”。段祺瑞联合北洋军阀各系,以湖南为主要战场,同西南军阀展开激烈战斗。1918年3月27日张敬尧被段祺瑞控制的北京政府任命湖南督军兼省长。张敬尧在湘期间对湖南政治、经济、文化、社会等各个方面进行残酷统治,特别是对湖南教育界的摧残,给湖南人民带来了深重的灾难。 驱张运动的开展是由于张敬尧在湘的暴虐统治以及五四运动的影响下开展起来的。五四运动爆发后,湖南爱国学生和教育界进步人士积极展开声援活动,组织以抵制日货为中心的反抗活动,张敬尧残酷的镇压学生的爱国活动,使得反日爱国活动转变成驱张运动。湖南省学生联合会和健学会的成立领导了驱张运动,有利的推动驱张运动在不同阶段的发展。五四运动以后的驱张活动,主要集中在配合北京学生的爱国运动,开展反日爱国活动,加强了报刊舆论的驱张宣传,激发了湖南人民的爱国热情,斗争的手段以罢课、抵制日货、舆论宣传为主。1919年12月2日长沙各界组织的焚烧日货大会被张敬尧镇压成为导火索,各界展开大规模的驱张活动。总罢课、总罢教成功之后,学联和健学会中的进步教职员进一步研究驱张的具体办法,决定派代表团赴各地进行驱张请愿代表团的活动,以北京、上海、衡阳的驱张影响最大。各地驱张代表团的活动,进一步扩大了驱张宣传,进行各种请愿活动,利用军阀间的矛盾,从政治上军事上压迫张敬尧,使张敬尧在政治上处于孤立地位。代表团的活动在全国范围内形成了一致的驱张声势,逐渐发展成为全国性的爱国运动。同时,面对学联和教育界联合进行的驱张活动,张敬尧也采取了残酷的镇压,企图扑灭湖南爱国群众的反张运动。驱张运动在舆论宣传和军事斗争相配合下取得胜利,最终使暴戾恣睢的张敬尧及其部下于1920年6月11日退出长沙,,26日撤出岳州,自此张敬尧全部退出湖南。 驱张运动的胜利,为湖南人民反对新军阀斗争积累了经验,懂得了民众联合的力量,也对当时全国民主革命势力的壮大起了鼓舞作用,是湖南人民反对封建军阀、倡导民主主义的运动,也是湖南人民改造湖南、实行地方自治的尝试。
[Abstract]:From March 1918 to June 1920, the direct warlord of Beiyang, Zhang Jingyao, ruled Hunan. In 1917, Sun Zhongshan United with the southwest warlords to "overthrow the false republic and establish the true republic" as the slogan, and set off a "law enforcement movement". Duan Qirui United with various departments of the Northern warlords, taking Hunan as the main battlefield, engaged in fierce fighting with the southwestern warlords. On March 27, 1918, Zhang Jingyao was appointed by the Beijing government controlled by Duan Qirui to serve as governor and governor of Hunan. Zhang Jingyao ruthlessly ruled Hunan politics, economy, culture, society and so on during his time in Hunan, especially the destruction of Hunan educational circles, which brought great disaster to Hunan people. The movement was carried out under the influence of the tyrannical rule of Xiang and the May 4th Movement. After the May 4th Movement broke out, patriotic students and progressive figures in education in Hunan actively launched solidarity activities, organized resistance activities centered on resisting Japanese goods, and brutally suppressed patriotic activities among students. The anti-Japanese patriotic activities turned into the drive-out movement. The establishment of Hunan Student Federation and Health Institute led the drive movement, which promoted the development of the movement in different stages. After the May 4th Movement, the activities of driving Zhang mainly focused on cooperating with the patriotic movement of students in Beijing, carrying out anti-Japanese patriotic activities, strengthening the propaganda of the press and public opinion on the expulsion of Zhang, and arousing the patriotic enthusiasm of the people of Hunan and the means of struggle in order to strike off classes. On December 2, 1919, Changsha organized a general meeting on burning Japanese goods, which was suppressed by Zhang Jingyao as a trigger. After the general strike and the general strike, the progressive staff of the Federation of students and the Institute of Health further studied the specific methods of driving Zhang, and decided to send delegations to various places to carry out the activities of the petition delegation, with Beijing, Shanghai and Hengyang having the greatest influence on the drive. The activities of the local delegation have further expanded the propaganda of the drive, carried out various petition activities, exploited the contradictions among warlords, oppressed Zhang Jingyao politically and militarily, and left Zhang Jingyao in a politically isolated position. The delegation's activities formed a consistent national momentum and gradually developed into a national patriotic movement. At the same time, in the face of the joint exorcism carried out by the federation and the educational circles, Zhang Jingyao also adopted a cruel suppression in an attempt to extinguish the anti-Zhang movement of the patriotic masses in Hunan. With the cooperation of public opinion propaganda and military struggle, Zhang Jingyao and his subordinates withdrew from Changsha on June 11, 1920, Yuezhou on June 26, and Zhang Jingyao from Hunan. The victory of the drive against Zhang gave the people of Hunan experience in the struggle against the new warlords, understood the strength of the people's union, and encouraged the strengthening of the democratic revolutionary forces throughout the country at that time. It was the people of Hunan who opposed the feudal warlords. The movement to advocate democracy is also an attempt by the people of Hunan to reform Hunan and practice local autonomy.


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