
发布时间:2018-07-15 16:09
【摘要】:《中央日报》是国民党的中央直属机关报,是国民党在大陆统治时期的最大党报。其办报方针自然是为国民政府服务。《中央日报》重视社论,亦是该报的一大特点。该报社论代表的是国民党中央的声音和意见,在新闻舆论的引导和党的大政方针政策宣传方面有着最为强势的传播效果。 整个抗战时期,《中央日报》作为最重要的官方报纸之一,也是传达国民政府信息的唯一渠道。该报的社论更是在舆论宣传方面起着不可替代的作用。目前,对该报社论的关注和研究处于相对空白的状态,因此笔者决定以抗战时期《中央日报》的社论为研究对象,运用文献研究法、定量分析及定性分析法,试图对《中央日报》社论进行多角度的探析。 本文分为四个部分。包括绪论、统计分析、舆论引导研究、与《新华日报》社论对比及评价。 第一部分绪论提出了论文研究的背景、意义、内容、方法和研究现状。 第二部分为社论的统计分析。主要对社论进行分年度、分内容统计,该部分的主要意义在于向广大读者对《中央日报》社论做一个宏观的概括和微观的解析。 第三部分把《中央日报》社论按时间顺序分为五个阶段,即初迁时期、政策转向时期、鼎盛时期、举措为艰时期、抗战胜利时期,从宏观上梳理出《中央日报》社论各个时期舆论引导的主要内容和传播特点。 第四部分是《中央日报》与《新华日报》社论的对比及《中央日报》社论舆论引导的评价,研究分析了社论的历史贡献和局限性。 结束语部分是对抗战时期《中央日报》社论的总结,展现其在中国新闻史上的历史影响和作用,期望对抗战时期国民政府的新闻事业有所认识,并希望以此为基,总结出一些规律性的东西。
[Abstract]:The Central Daily is the Kuomintang's central organ newspaper and the Kuomintang's largest party newspaper during its reign on the mainland. The guiding principle of running a newspaper is naturally to serve the national government, and the emphasis on editorials in the Central Daily is also a major feature of the newspaper. The editorial represents the voices and opinions of the Kuomintang Central Committee and has the most powerful communication effect in the direction of news and public opinion and the propaganda of the Party's general policies and policies. Throughout the War of Resistance, as one of the most important official newspapers, the Central Daily was also the only channel for conveying the information of the National Government. The newspaper's editorials are playing an irreplaceable role in the propaganda of public opinion. At present, the attention and research on this newspaper's theory is in a relatively blank state. Therefore, the author decides to take the editorial of the Central Daily newspaper during the War of Resistance against Japan as the object of study, using the methods of literature research, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. This paper attempts to analyze the editorial of the Central Daily from various angles. This paper is divided into four parts. Including introduction, statistical analysis, public opinion guidance research, and Xinhua Daily editorial comparison and evaluation. The first part introduces the background, significance, content, methods and research status of the thesis. The second part is the statistical analysis of editorials. The editorial is divided into annual and content statistics. The main meaning of this part is to make a macro summary and micro analysis to the readers of "Central Daily News" editorials. The third part divides the editorial of the Central Daily into five stages in chronological order, namely, the period of initial migration, the period of policy shift, the period of heyday, the period of difficulty and the period of victory in the War of Resistance against Japan. The main contents and communication characteristics of the editorial of the Central Daily editorial in each period are sorted out macroscopically. The fourth part is the comparison between the editorial of "Central Daily" and "Xinhua Daily" and the evaluation of the opinion guidance of "Central Daily" editorials. The historical contributions and limitations of the editorials are studied and analyzed. The concluding remarks are a summary of the editorial of the "Central Daily" during the Anti-Japanese War, showing its historical influence and role in the history of Chinese journalism, and hoping to have an understanding of the journalism of the National Government during the War of Resistance against Japan, and hope to base on it. Sum up some regular things.


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