[Abstract]:The defeat of the fifth anti-encirclement and suppression campaign forced the Central Red Army to make a major strategic shift. At the beginning of the long March, the Party Central Committee held important meetings and gradually adjusted the organizational and military lines of the Central Red Army, thus preserving the living power of the Party and the Red Army. This paper focuses on the adjustment of the organizational route and the military route in the early stage of the long March of the Central Red Army, the main body of which is divided into three chapters. Chapter one: the reason of the adjustment of the organization line and military line of the Central Red Army in the early stage of the long March. This chapter systematically expounds the reasons for the readjustment of the organizational and military lines in the early stage of the long March of the Red Army: on the one hand, the implementation of the "left" wrong line of Wang Ming interferes with the correct leadership of the Party. Wang Ming's sectarianism undermined the Party's collective leadership and "brutally fought and dealt ruthless blows" against some Communist Party members and cadres. On the other hand, Li De's erroneous military line led to successive failures of the Red Army. The defeat of the fifth counter-campaign led to the loss of the central base area, and the defeat of the Xiangjiang campaign caused more than half the loss of the Red Army's main force. In order to correct mistakes, the Party Central Committee gradually readjusted its organizational and military lines. Chapter II: the Central Red Army long-March early organizational line and military line adjustment process. This is the main part of the article. After the Red Army marching toward Guizhou, this chapter systematically expounds a series of important meetings to adjust the organizational and military routes of the Central Red Army in the early stage of the long March. The meeting paved the way for the adjustment of the organizational and military routes of the Central Red Army; the Liping Conference promoted the adjustment of the organizational and military routes of the Central Red Army; the monkey farm meeting deepened the adjustment of the organizational and military routes of the Central Red Army; The Zunyi Conference basically completed the readjustment of the organizational and military lines of the Central Red Army. The third chapter: the significance of the adjustment of the organization line and the military line in the early stage of the long March of the Central Red Army: the central leading collective with Mao Zedong as the core was initially formed, which laid the foundation for the victory of the long March of the Red Army.
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