[Abstract]:The studies on the Japanese-Russian war are very rich, but they mainly focus on the Qing government's "out-of-the-box neutrality" policy and the impact of the Japan-Russian war on the international situation. The author consulted the data on the investigation of the losses of the Japanese-Russian war. At present, there is only one article by Yu Dahua on the investigation and discussion on the losses of Fengtian War by the Qing government after the war between Japan and Russia. But the author thinks that this article has its new meaning, but not deep, many aspects are not clear, the analysis of the investigation is not enough. The author will clearly describe the causes and consequences of the investigation and the detailed data in the investigation, first of all, the introduction of the policy of neutrality outside the Qing government, focusing on the policy contradictions between Japan and Russia in the three eastern provinces; Secondly, the analysis of the losses caused by the war in Northeast China, focusing on the statistics of the loss forms and survey data in the three eastern provinces, and the analysis of the causes of the losses investigated by the government, and the discussion on the basis of the Qing government's investigation and compensation in the light of the then international law. And an analysis of the outcome of the final compensation; finally, an analysis of the awareness and significance of the investigation of the claim, The Progress of Modern diplomacy: the Awakening of the Progressive significance of Modern diplomacy and the consciousness of sovereignty and the discussion of the Relief Policy. This paper tries to make a careful analysis of the investigation and claim of the Qing government, hoping to discuss objectively the causes and consequences of the Qing government's action.
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