[Abstract]:Students are an important force in the modern history of China. During the Revolution of 1911, there were quite a number of military groups composed of students in China, which played an important role in overthrowing the rule of the Qing Dynasty and stabilizing the local order. This paper takes the student military groups in this period as the research object, hoping to contribute to the study of the history of the Revolution of 1911. The root of the emergence of the student military group lies in the development of modern education and the expansion of the group of students receiving modern education. In this process, many students were influenced by revolutionary ideas. This was an organizational and ideological preparation for the rapid establishment of such groups throughout the region after the outbreak of the Wuchang uprising. The historical materials related to student military groups are scattered. Based on the collection of various historical data, this paper makes statistics on the basic situation of student military groups, and selects some representative groups to carry out more detailed research. The factors such as geographical distribution of groups, age of members and equipment training, their actions during the revolution and the associated social environment are analyzed. The Revolution of 1911 was an important practice for the young students who participated in the students' military organization. They learned from it and worked hard to reform China since then.
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