发布时间:2018-08-05 12:20
【摘要】:晋绥根据地是抗战时期中共领导下的众多根据地之一,西靠黄河,与陕甘宁边区隔河相望,是保卫陕甘宁边区的重要屏障;东扼同蒲铁路北段,直接威胁日军南下交通线的畅通,是晋察冀根据地与晋冀鲁豫根据地与陕甘宁边区联系的唯一通道;北达祖国边疆绥远百灵庙和乌兰花一带,可以时时威胁平绥线,这对打破日伪进攻大西北有决定意义;南接汾离公路与阎锡山统治区相隔。本文就以该区抗战时期农村经济为主要研究对象,主要涉及边区的自然环境、社会环境、农业生产状况(经济分区、农具、农产品种类、耕作制度)、农村土地问题、借贷关系、农村金融、互助合作等问题。通过研究我们发现中共政权力量介入下的晋绥边区农村经济发生一系列变化,主要表现在:贫雇农取代地主、富农成为占有土地最多的阶级;租佃期限较以前大大延长,租额、租率标准下降;私人借贷比重下降,新式金融力量—银行为代表的政府贷款比重增加;通过互助变工运动,农村由个体家庭生产逐渐转向集体性生产;阶级结构由地主、富农与贫雇农占多数转化为以中农为主。 全文共分为七个部分。其中导论部分主要从论题提出及意义,学术史回顾、研究思路、创新点和不足点等方面对论题的可行性进行说明。 第一章,主要论述了边区成立的自然社会环境;社会政治、经济、军事环境;教育和社会环境。第二章,主要对边区农业经济分区、农具、农产品种类及分布情况、耕作制度进行说明。 第三章,主要研究边区农村的土地问题。在土地分配方面,土地在近代私有化趋势下,地主、富农成为占有土地最多的阶级,抗战爆发后,中共晋绥边区政府一方面对现有土地占有关系进行调整。主要通过两个途径实现,第一、利用减租交租政策转移。虽然减租条例的主要目的是维持租佃关系稳定,不允许地主随意收回土地,但在政策范围内政府亦允许地主收回土地用于出卖、出典、转租。第二、利用回赎土地转移地权。典押地都属于高利贷形式,边区政府成立以来严禁高利贷,因此大力鼓励回赎土地。另一方面,通过开荒运动为增加贫雇农土地。在租佃关系方面,战前农佃分布以自耕农为主;实物地租、货币地租、劳役地租并存,尤以实物地租为主;大多数租约都是书面约,租佃年限一般都较短,租额、租率水平都较高,边区政府成后延长了租佃期限;受战争影响更多依赖于实物地租;取消了书面约中的剥削条款;降低了租额与租率。 第四章,研究边区借贷关系。边区借贷的原因是广大贫苦群众深受地租和高利贷的剥削,生活水平极为低下;农业生产资料缺乏;边区金融紊乱,农业发展缺乏必要资金。探讨了战前边区借贷种类、来源、期限、利率问题,接着又对抗战后边区减息政策和回赎不动产政策进行梳理,着重介绍了以西北农民银行为中心的借贷运动,其中农贷对象以中贫农为主;发放贷款做到不违农时;在资金上面实行政府投资与民间游资相结合;农贷发放主要放在生产方面。农贷的发放不仅调动了广大农民的生产积极性,促进了生产发展,而且促进了边区阶级结构的变化,地主、富农比例下降,中贫农,尤其是中农比例迅速增加。 第五章、论述了边区金融情况,西北农民银行在兴县农民银行的基础上建立,并进一步完善了银行的机构设置、人员结构,并利用“四项动员”扩大了银行的基金,使银行成为制度健全、组织相对严密的金融机构。同时积极开展了发行货币、管理外汇、办理汇兑、办理储蓄、兼理金库等职能,尤其是发行边区本位货币—西北农钞,为晋绥根据地建立独立自足的经济体系创造了条件。银行利用发行的西北农币与银洋、法币、伪钞进行了不懈的斗争,边区基本实现了农币的单一本位币制度,建立了独立自主的金融体系。这一方面改变了边区各种货币同时存在的混乱局面,使西北农币为边区唯一的货币计量单位;另一方面也防止了日伪以法币、白洋、伪钞等非本位币扰乱边区金融,套用边区物资,有利于边区平衡进出口贸易。此外,银行还通过管理外汇增加了银行外汇实力,通过银行牌价调控进出口货物,有效地促进了边区贸易的发展,提高了群众的生活水平。 第六章、主要介绍了边区互助变工运动。这是边区政府利用旧有互助形式,组织群众进行集体生产的劳动组织方式。其组织背景是边区劳动力被日军大肆杀戮和抓捕;阎锡山、新军与八路军大量征兵;人口主动迁移和被迫逃跑下大量减少,同时受战争影响耕畜也大量减少,荒地数量却大量增加。为集中有限人力、物力进行生产,“组织起来”集体劳动是发展生产的必然选择。抗战时期其发展主要经历了三个阶段,第一阶段(1940—1942年)互助变工组织的探索时期。其中前两年只是含糊地提出发展互助合作组织,在实践中并没有进行具体调研与组织管理,1942年边区政府才开始真正重视互助合作组织的建立,但在兴办互助组织时完全抛开民间原有形式,采取一套程序,强迫命令方式,因此没有收到好的效果。第二阶段(1943年)变工组织初步发展时期。以兴县温家寨为个案对这一年边区互助运动进行研究,发现劳动互助一般是在相互间存在亲戚朋友或主佃依存关系的情况下才有可能,如劳动力、土地等生产资料条件相差不多的家庭,或生产条件差别明显而互相有所求的家庭。互助变工组能解决各阶层的不同困难,吸引更多人参加到生产劳动中。变工组的规模要适当。变工互助方式要由简单而复杂,范围由小而大,时间由短而长。互助干部要克己奉公、以身作则、做事公道。第三阶段(19441945年)互助劳动组织普遍发展时期。其中1944年各地互助组比例较往年有明显增加,但在地区分布上还存在很大不平衡性,在发展成效上也很不乐观。1945年针对这一问题,边区政府提出在农业上要巩固扩大变工组织,在自愿的原则下组织到各种各样的变工互助组织之内。在副业上要吸收余资余力,用顶钱股顶工股顶身股及按股分红的方法组织各种变工合作小组。在妇女纺织上要发动全家男女老小都参加变工互助小组。在工矿业上要用公营、民营、合作经营等方式组织互助合作组织。部队机关公营企业也要注意吸收民间力量发展互助合作组织,采用“民主评定,按质分级分组的制度,贯彻‘公私两利’、‘公私分明’、‘军民两利’、‘战斗与生产结合’的方针”来完成各种生产任务,从而使变工互助在质量上也大大改观。在互助种类上,1944年以前主要是利用旧有变工形式组织,1944年以后在各地在变工互助组的基础上,又组织成立纺织、开荒、运输等多种类型的变工合作社,迈出了互助合作组织近代化发展的第一步。在变工原则上主要坚持自愿原则,尊重群众意愿结合,劳武结合原则。此外,还规范了变工互助组织的记工、折工、还工办法,总结了互助变工组织的意义及偏差。 本文创新点在于:(1)研究范式的创新。中共经济建设与基层社会之间的关系是一个相互排斥、融合乃至转换的互动过程。民间社会、广大并非完全被动的角色,民间传统运行方式、传统心态及其行为也在相当程度上制约着共产党的政策,塑造着中共各项经济政策本身。因此突破过去研究中的上层视角,重视中共经济建设与乡村社会的双重互动,对中共乡村建设的全貌考察是大有裨益的。(2)研究内容的丰富。以往对于晋绥边区经济的研究大多数只是对某个问题的单独研究,而本文将对晋绥边区农村地权和租佃关系;新式金融建设与乡村借贷关系;互助合作运动进行综合性研究,以全面反映战争背景下国家与社会间的互动关系。(3)研究资料的创新。本文充分运用山西档案馆有关晋绥根据地的大量原始资料对边区经济发展进行系统研究,扩大了根据地经济研究的资料范围,尤其是当时边区政府所作的许多调查报告,提供了许多有关农民应对政府措施的真实反映。
[Abstract]:Jinsui base area was one of the many bases under the leadership of the Communist Party of China in the period of the Anti Japanese war. The west by the Yellow River and the Shanxi Gansu Ningxia border area were the important barriers to protect the Shanxi Gansu Ningxia border region. A passageway; the Baiyuan Temple of Suiyuan and the area of Ulan flower in the border of Suiyuan, the frontier of China, can threaten the Ping Suiyuan line, which is of decisive significance to breaking the Japanese and puppet attacks on the northwest, and the south is separated from the Yan Xishan ruling area. This article mainly studies the rural economy in the period of the Anti Japanese War, mainly involving the natural environment and social environment of the border area. The agricultural production status (economic zones, agricultural tools, agricultural products, farming systems), rural land problems, lending relations, rural finance, mutual assistance and cooperation, and so on. Through the study we found a series of changes in the rural economy of the Jinsui border area under the intervention of the power of the Communist Party of China, mainly in the following aspects: the poor peasants and farmers replaced landlords, and the rich peasants became possession soil. The most land class; the tenancy period was greatly extended, the rent rate, the rent rate standard decreased, the proportion of private lending declined, the proportion of the new financial forces - the bank represented the government loan increase; the rural household production gradually turned to the collective production through the mutual assistance movement movement; the class structure was dominated by landlords, rich peasants and poor farmers. Most of them are converted to middle peasants.
The full text is divided into seven parts, including the introduction and significance of the topic, the review of the academic history, the research ideas, the innovation points and the shortcomings.
The first chapter mainly discusses the natural social environment of the border area, social politics, economy, military environment, education and social environment. The second chapter mainly explains the Agricultural Economic Zoning in the border area, agricultural implements, the types and distribution of agricultural products, and the farming system.
The third chapter mainly studies the land problem in the rural areas of the border area. In the field of land distribution, the landlords and the rich peasants have become the class of the most occupied land under the trend of modern privatization. After the outbreak of the war of resistance, the government of the Jinsui border area of the Communist Party of China has adjusted the existing land possession on the one hand. The first is to make use of the rent reduction and renting by two ways. Although the main purpose of the regulations is to maintain the stability of the tenancy and not allow the landlords to take back the land at random, the government also allows the landlords to take back the land for selling, bidding and sublease in the scope of the policy. Second, using the redemption land to transfer the land rights. The pawning land belongs to the usury form, and the border area government prohibits high profit since the establishment of the border region government. On the other hand, in order to increase the land of redemption. On the other hand, through the opening up movement to increase the land of the poor farm labourers. In the tenancy relationship, the prewar peasant tenant is distributed mainly by the farmers; the real land rent, the money land rent, the labor rent coexist, especially the real land rent; most of the leases are written about, the tenancy is generally shorter, rents, leased water. Even higher level, the border area government after the extension of the tenancy period; affected by the war more dependent on the real land rent; the cancellation of the written agreement of exploitation; reduce the rent and rent rate.
The fourth chapter studies the loan relationship in the border area. The reason for the border area lending is that the poor people are deeply exploited by the land rent and the usury, the living standard is very low; the agricultural production data is short; the border area financial disorder, the agricultural development lacks the necessary funds. The border reduction policy and the redemption of the real estate policy are combed, focusing on the loan movement centered on the northwest farmer's Bank, in which the agricultural loan objects are mainly in the middle and poor peasants; the loans do not go against the agricultural time; the government investment is combined with the private capital, and the agricultural loan is mainly distributed in the production aspects. It not only mobilized the productive enthusiasm of the farmers, promoted the development of production, but also promoted the change in the structure of the border region, the proportion of landlords and rich peasants declined, and the proportion of the middle and poor peasants, especially the middle peasants, increased rapidly.
The fifth chapter discusses the financial situation in the border area. The northwest farmer's Bank is established on the basis of the farmer's Bank in the county of Xing county. It has further perfected the establishment of the bank, the personnel structure, and expanded the bank's fund with the "four mobilization", so that the bank became a sound system, the organization was close to the financial institution, and the issuing currency was actively carried out. In order to manage foreign exchange, handle remittances, handle savings, and rationale gold treasury functions, especially the distribution of the border standard currency, the Northwest Agricultural banknote, created conditions for the establishment of an independent and self-sufficient economic system in the Jinsui base area. The bank has made unremitting struggles with the circulation of the Northwest Agricultural currency and the Silver Ocean, French currency and counterfeit banknote. The border area has basically realized the single book of the agricultural currency. The currency system has established an independent financial system, which has changed the confusion of the various currencies at the same time in the border area, making the Northwest Agricultural currency the only monetary unit in the border area; on the other hand, it also prevents the Japanese puppet currency, the white ocean, the counterfeit money and other non standard currency to disturb the border area finance, to apply the border area material and to the balance of the border area. In addition, the bank also increased the foreign exchange strength through the management of foreign exchange and controlled the import and export of goods through the price of the bank. It effectively promoted the development of the border trade and improved the living standard of the masses.
The sixth chapter mainly introduces the border area mutual assistance and change movement. This is the way the border region government uses the old form of mutual assistance to organize the mass production of the mass production. Its organizational background is that the labor force is slaughtered and captured by the Japanese army in the border area; Yan Xishan, the new army and the Eight Route Army are a large number of soldiers; the population has been moved and forced to escape a large number of people. At the same time, the number of farm animals was greatly reduced by the war, but the number of wasteland increased greatly. In order to concentrate limited manpower and material resources for production, "organized" collective labor was the inevitable choice for the development of production. In the period of the war of resistance against Japan, its development mainly experienced three stages, the first stage (1940 to 1942) the exploration period of mutual aid to the working organization. Two years only vaguely put forward the development and cooperation organization, in practice, there is no specific investigation and organization management. In 1942, the border government began to really attach importance to the establishment of mutual assistance and cooperation organization. But in the establishment of mutual aid organizations, it completely threw away the original form of the folk, adopted a set of procedures and forced order, so it did not receive good effect. The second stage (1943) period of the initial development of the working organization. The mutual aid change group can solve the different difficulties and attract more people to participate in the production labor. The scale of the working group should be appropriate. The way of working and mutual assistance should be simple and complex, the scope is small and big, the time is short and long. In the third stage (19441945 years), the mutual aid labor organization was widely developed. In 1944, the proportion of mutual aid groups increased significantly in 1944, but there was still great imbalance in the regional distribution. In the development effect was also very unoptimistic in the.1945 year, the border government proposed to consolidate and expand the working organization in agriculture. Under the principle, we should organize all kinds of working and mutual assistance organizations. In the sideline, we should absorb surplus and capital, use top shares of the top money, and organize various kinds of cooperation and cooperation groups. In women's textile, we should start the whole family and the young and the young to participate in the working and mutual assistance group. In the industry and mining, we should use public, private and cooperative. The public enterprises of the military organs should also pay attention to absorbing the development and cooperation organizations of the civil forces, and adopting the "democratic evaluation, the quality classification system, the implementation of the" public and private interests ", the" public private and the clear ", the" two interests of the military and the people ", the" combination of fighting and production "to complete various production tasks, from On the basis of the transformation and mutual assistance group, the first step of the modernization development of the mutual assistance and cooperation organization has been made. The principle of changing labour mainly adhered to the principle of voluntariness, respect for the combination of the masses' will and the principle of combination of labor and force. In addition, it also standardizes the working, folding and working methods of the organization for mutual assistance and mutual assistance, and summarizes the significance and the deviation of the mutual aid organization.
The innovation points of this article are: (1) the innovation of the research paradigm. The relationship between the economic construction of the Communist Party of China and the grass-roots society is an interactive process of mutual exclusion, integration and even conversion. The civil society is not a completely passive role, the folk traditional mode of operation, the traditional mentality and its behavior also restrict the Communist Party's policy to a considerable extent. The economic policies of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of China have been created. Therefore, it is of great benefit to break through the upper angle of study in the past and to attach importance to the dual interaction between the economic construction of the Communist Party of China and the rural society. (2) the research content is rich. Most of the research on the Jinsui border region in the past is only Dan Duyan of a certain problem. In this article, the relationship between the rural land rights and tenancy in the Shanxi Suiyuan border area, the relationship between the new financial construction and the rural lending and the mutual assistance and cooperation movement are studied comprehensively to fully reflect the interaction between the state and the society under the war background. (3) the innovation of the research materials. This article fully uses the large quantities of the Shanxi archives about the Jinsui base area. The initial data systematically studied the economic development of the border area, expanded the scope of the data of the research on the base area economy, especially the many investigation reports made by the border government at that time, and provided a lot of real reflection on the farmers' measures to deal with the government.
[Abstract]:Jinsui base area was one of the many bases under the leadership of the Communist Party of China in the period of the Anti Japanese war. The west by the Yellow River and the Shanxi Gansu Ningxia border area were the important barriers to protect the Shanxi Gansu Ningxia border region. A passageway; the Baiyuan Temple of Suiyuan and the area of Ulan flower in the border of Suiyuan, the frontier of China, can threaten the Ping Suiyuan line, which is of decisive significance to breaking the Japanese and puppet attacks on the northwest, and the south is separated from the Yan Xishan ruling area. This article mainly studies the rural economy in the period of the Anti Japanese War, mainly involving the natural environment and social environment of the border area. The agricultural production status (economic zones, agricultural tools, agricultural products, farming systems), rural land problems, lending relations, rural finance, mutual assistance and cooperation, and so on. Through the study we found a series of changes in the rural economy of the Jinsui border area under the intervention of the power of the Communist Party of China, mainly in the following aspects: the poor peasants and farmers replaced landlords, and the rich peasants became possession soil. The most land class; the tenancy period was greatly extended, the rent rate, the rent rate standard decreased, the proportion of private lending declined, the proportion of the new financial forces - the bank represented the government loan increase; the rural household production gradually turned to the collective production through the mutual assistance movement movement; the class structure was dominated by landlords, rich peasants and poor farmers. Most of them are converted to middle peasants.
The full text is divided into seven parts, including the introduction and significance of the topic, the review of the academic history, the research ideas, the innovation points and the shortcomings.
The first chapter mainly discusses the natural social environment of the border area, social politics, economy, military environment, education and social environment. The second chapter mainly explains the Agricultural Economic Zoning in the border area, agricultural implements, the types and distribution of agricultural products, and the farming system.
The third chapter mainly studies the land problem in the rural areas of the border area. In the field of land distribution, the landlords and the rich peasants have become the class of the most occupied land under the trend of modern privatization. After the outbreak of the war of resistance, the government of the Jinsui border area of the Communist Party of China has adjusted the existing land possession on the one hand. The first is to make use of the rent reduction and renting by two ways. Although the main purpose of the regulations is to maintain the stability of the tenancy and not allow the landlords to take back the land at random, the government also allows the landlords to take back the land for selling, bidding and sublease in the scope of the policy. Second, using the redemption land to transfer the land rights. The pawning land belongs to the usury form, and the border area government prohibits high profit since the establishment of the border region government. On the other hand, in order to increase the land of redemption. On the other hand, through the opening up movement to increase the land of the poor farm labourers. In the tenancy relationship, the prewar peasant tenant is distributed mainly by the farmers; the real land rent, the money land rent, the labor rent coexist, especially the real land rent; most of the leases are written about, the tenancy is generally shorter, rents, leased water. Even higher level, the border area government after the extension of the tenancy period; affected by the war more dependent on the real land rent; the cancellation of the written agreement of exploitation; reduce the rent and rent rate.
The fourth chapter studies the loan relationship in the border area. The reason for the border area lending is that the poor people are deeply exploited by the land rent and the usury, the living standard is very low; the agricultural production data is short; the border area financial disorder, the agricultural development lacks the necessary funds. The border reduction policy and the redemption of the real estate policy are combed, focusing on the loan movement centered on the northwest farmer's Bank, in which the agricultural loan objects are mainly in the middle and poor peasants; the loans do not go against the agricultural time; the government investment is combined with the private capital, and the agricultural loan is mainly distributed in the production aspects. It not only mobilized the productive enthusiasm of the farmers, promoted the development of production, but also promoted the change in the structure of the border region, the proportion of landlords and rich peasants declined, and the proportion of the middle and poor peasants, especially the middle peasants, increased rapidly.
The fifth chapter discusses the financial situation in the border area. The northwest farmer's Bank is established on the basis of the farmer's Bank in the county of Xing county. It has further perfected the establishment of the bank, the personnel structure, and expanded the bank's fund with the "four mobilization", so that the bank became a sound system, the organization was close to the financial institution, and the issuing currency was actively carried out. In order to manage foreign exchange, handle remittances, handle savings, and rationale gold treasury functions, especially the distribution of the border standard currency, the Northwest Agricultural banknote, created conditions for the establishment of an independent and self-sufficient economic system in the Jinsui base area. The bank has made unremitting struggles with the circulation of the Northwest Agricultural currency and the Silver Ocean, French currency and counterfeit banknote. The border area has basically realized the single book of the agricultural currency. The currency system has established an independent financial system, which has changed the confusion of the various currencies at the same time in the border area, making the Northwest Agricultural currency the only monetary unit in the border area; on the other hand, it also prevents the Japanese puppet currency, the white ocean, the counterfeit money and other non standard currency to disturb the border area finance, to apply the border area material and to the balance of the border area. In addition, the bank also increased the foreign exchange strength through the management of foreign exchange and controlled the import and export of goods through the price of the bank. It effectively promoted the development of the border trade and improved the living standard of the masses.
The sixth chapter mainly introduces the border area mutual assistance and change movement. This is the way the border region government uses the old form of mutual assistance to organize the mass production of the mass production. Its organizational background is that the labor force is slaughtered and captured by the Japanese army in the border area; Yan Xishan, the new army and the Eight Route Army are a large number of soldiers; the population has been moved and forced to escape a large number of people. At the same time, the number of farm animals was greatly reduced by the war, but the number of wasteland increased greatly. In order to concentrate limited manpower and material resources for production, "organized" collective labor was the inevitable choice for the development of production. In the period of the war of resistance against Japan, its development mainly experienced three stages, the first stage (1940 to 1942) the exploration period of mutual aid to the working organization. Two years only vaguely put forward the development and cooperation organization, in practice, there is no specific investigation and organization management. In 1942, the border government began to really attach importance to the establishment of mutual assistance and cooperation organization. But in the establishment of mutual aid organizations, it completely threw away the original form of the folk, adopted a set of procedures and forced order, so it did not receive good effect. The second stage (1943) period of the initial development of the working organization. The mutual aid change group can solve the different difficulties and attract more people to participate in the production labor. The scale of the working group should be appropriate. The way of working and mutual assistance should be simple and complex, the scope is small and big, the time is short and long. In the third stage (19441945 years), the mutual aid labor organization was widely developed. In 1944, the proportion of mutual aid groups increased significantly in 1944, but there was still great imbalance in the regional distribution. In the development effect was also very unoptimistic in the.1945 year, the border government proposed to consolidate and expand the working organization in agriculture. Under the principle, we should organize all kinds of working and mutual assistance organizations. In the sideline, we should absorb surplus and capital, use top shares of the top money, and organize various kinds of cooperation and cooperation groups. In women's textile, we should start the whole family and the young and the young to participate in the working and mutual assistance group. In the industry and mining, we should use public, private and cooperative. The public enterprises of the military organs should also pay attention to absorbing the development and cooperation organizations of the civil forces, and adopting the "democratic evaluation, the quality classification system, the implementation of the" public and private interests ", the" public private and the clear ", the" two interests of the military and the people ", the" combination of fighting and production "to complete various production tasks, from On the basis of the transformation and mutual assistance group, the first step of the modernization development of the mutual assistance and cooperation organization has been made. The principle of changing labour mainly adhered to the principle of voluntariness, respect for the combination of the masses' will and the principle of combination of labor and force. In addition, it also standardizes the working, folding and working methods of the organization for mutual assistance and mutual assistance, and summarizes the significance and the deviation of the mutual aid organization.
The innovation points of this article are: (1) the innovation of the research paradigm. The relationship between the economic construction of the Communist Party of China and the grass-roots society is an interactive process of mutual exclusion, integration and even conversion. The civil society is not a completely passive role, the folk traditional mode of operation, the traditional mentality and its behavior also restrict the Communist Party's policy to a considerable extent. The economic policies of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of China have been created. Therefore, it is of great benefit to break through the upper angle of study in the past and to attach importance to the dual interaction between the economic construction of the Communist Party of China and the rural society. (2) the research content is rich. Most of the research on the Jinsui border region in the past is only Dan Duyan of a certain problem. In this article, the relationship between the rural land rights and tenancy in the Shanxi Suiyuan border area, the relationship between the new financial construction and the rural lending and the mutual assistance and cooperation movement are studied comprehensively to fully reflect the interaction between the state and the society under the war background. (3) the innovation of the research materials. This article fully uses the large quantities of the Shanxi archives about the Jinsui base area. The initial data systematically studied the economic development of the border area, expanded the scope of the data of the research on the base area economy, especially the many investigation reports made by the border government at that time, and provided a lot of real reflection on the farmers' measures to deal with the government.
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1 张晓玲;;抗战时期晋绥边区的农业技术改进[J];中国农史;2014年02期