[Abstract]:In the 1940s, locusts in Shanghei, Hebei, Shandong and Henan border areas were frequently attacked. The disaster caused a reduction in agricultural production, huge economic losses, and people's livelihood. Based on the archives of Hebei Provincial Archives and related County Archives, this paper probes into the locust disaster and its social response in the Shanxi-Hebei-Shanxi-Henan border area. The text is divided into four parts. The first part discusses the cause and condition of locust disaster in Shanghi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan border area. The special geographical location and natural environment of Shanghi-Shanxi-Shanghuan-Henan border region, coupled with the turbulent social environment at that time, doomed the region to be an infestation of locusts. The spreading and secondary characteristics of locust plague deepen the degree of disaster, the locust situation spreads continuously, and the disaster area becomes larger and larger. The second part studies the economic loss and social impact caused by locust plague. Persistent and frequent locust plague not only destroyed the economic structure of Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan border region, resulting in a large number of people in exile. And destroyed the people's spirit and psychology, many people despaired of life, lost the confidence and courage to survive, caused extreme social panic. The people's life is unsustainable, the social mood is depressed, the border area is desolate and desolate, and the social problems are prominent. The third part, discusses the border region government and the populace's response to the locust plague. The border region government took effective measures to control the locust plague. First of all, strengthen ideological and political education and social control over cadres at all levels so that they can set an example and lead the people in controlling locusts conscientiously and responsibly. Secondly, the people in the border area should be deeply mobilized, educated, superstitious and actively involved in locust control. Relying on strict organization and strong leadership, the broad masses organized effectively, as the main force of locust eradication actively engaged in the struggle against locusts. Border area military and civilian close cooperation, concerted efforts, the work of locust control received very good results. The fourth part discusses the relationship between locust disaster and war in Shanxi-Hebei-Shanghuan-Henan border area and the impact of locust disaster on ecological environment, analyzes and studies the problems in the process of locust relief, and summarizes the experience and lessons of locust control. It is believed that locust plague not only destroys people's production and life, but also affects social stability and development. The control of locust disease must arouse the masses and close the relationship between the Party and the masses. Only by relying on the strength of the people can all disasters be overcome. The interactive locust control model between the government and the civil society has successfully transformed from traditional passive locust control to modern active locust control and has set an example for future locust control work.
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