[Abstract]:Tussah originated in China, originating from the Shandong Peninsula of China; China has the largest production of tussah cocoons in the world, with annual cocoon production accounting for about 90 percent of the world's total output; the Northeast is China's largest tussah cocoon producer. The annual cocoon yield is about 70% of the total cocoon production of tussah silkworm. As an important fiber crop, tussah and its related industries are also important industries which can not be ignored in the modern agricultural economy of Northeast China, and occupy an important position in the history of the economic development of the Northeast in modern times. The northeast tussah industry has been able to maintain its pre-war level since the founding of the puppet Manchuria, but with the Japanese imperialists plundering the northeast tussah industry, the economy of the northeast tussah industry was greatly damaged to the end of the puppet Manchu period. The northeast tussah industry is on the verge of collapse. Through the study of the northeast tussah industry in the period of pseudo-Manchuria, we can not only see the tortuous development course of the northeast tussah industry in modern times and the sinister intentions of the Japanese colonial authorities, but also criticize the so-called "theory of northeast development". It should also be seen that under the control of Japanese and puppet economy, the northeast tussah industry has also developed to a certain extent in terms of production and processing technology. Focusing on the main line of tussah industry in Northeast China during the period of pseudo-Manchuria, this paper systematically analyzes the objective situation and development trend of the development of tussah industry in Northeast China from 1932 to 1945, and evaluates the characteristics of the development of tussah industry in this period. Some suggestions on the development of tussah industry in Northeast China are put forward. The first part reviews the situation of tussah industry in Northeast China before the September 18th incident, and mainly discusses the basic situation and development trend of the northeast tussah industry in the early period of pseudo-Manchuria (1932-1936). This paper discusses the development state of northeast tussah in this period. Although the puppet Manchuria government has carried out the policy of adjusting the tussah industry, it can only maintain a certain level. The second part systematically analyzes the abnormal development of tussah industry in Northeast China after the "Seven Seven" incident (1937 ~ 1941). The reason for the deformity of tussah industry is mainly due to the Japanese imperialism adopting the policy of controlling the tussah industry in order to meet the needs of wartime. The third part mainly discusses the development of tussah industry in Northeast China from the outbreak of the Pacific War to the period before Japan's surrender (1942-1945). After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Japanese puppet has to increase the production of tussah by force in order to meet the need of the war. Moreover, it demands that tussah "leave the load", which makes the life of the peasants extremely difficult, as well as the reason why the tussah industry is gradually weakening, that is, the consequence of the gradual strengthening of the Japanese control policy. The fourth part sums up and summarizes the characteristics of the northeast tussah industry in the pseudo-Manchu period, evaluates the overall development of the tussah industry, and puts forward some suggestions for the development of the northeast tussah industry in the new period.
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