[Abstract]:Since the middle of the nineteenth century, with the colonial expansion of western capitalism, China has gradually been involved in the modern civilization system dominated by European and American countries. At that time, with the neighboring countries gradually becoming colonies of Western powers and the Suzerain-vassal system centered on the Qing government being seriously impacted, the focus of the Qing government's foreign exchanges was shifted to the negotiations with Western powers. China's diplomacy is also gradually moving towards modernization. In the process of diplomatic modernization, envoys stationed abroad appeared, and the dispatch of diplomatic envoys abroad was regarded as an important symbol of the modernization of Chinese diplomacy. Zeng Jize was one of the representatives of foreign envoys. He served as minister in Britain, France and Russia, and made great achievements as minister. One of the most well-known is that he changed the Sino-Russian Treaty of Ili to restore the rights and interests of the country. In addition, he made great efforts in the negotiation of Sino-French Vietnam issue and in the negotiation of the increase of opium tax and exemption in Britain and China. In his negotiations with Western powers, Zeng Jize was sharp and strident in his efforts to protect the interests and dignity of the country to the maximum extent. In its diplomatic activities, it makes use of the internal contradictions in a certain country, the contradictions among European countries, and some principles in western international law to achieve the purpose of safeguarding the national interests of one's own country. This article intends to discuss Zeng Jize's negotiation in Vietnam between China and France. The first part mainly examines Zeng Jize's early study and its influence on his later activities. The second part mainly analyzes the international situation of Zeng Ji-taek 's diplomatic mission to Britain and France, from which, France makes a rational analysis on the emergence of Sino-French problem about Vietnam. The third part, mainly from Zeng Jize's understanding of the international environment at that time, his attitude towards the Franco-Vietnamese "Jiaxu Treaty," and his attitude toward the Black Flag Army around the cross-examination of the patriarchal sovereignty, the diplomatic propositions of strength to promote war and peace, and his attitude towards the Black Flag Army. This paper makes a detailed analysis of Zeng's participation in Sino-French negotiations in Vietnam. The fourth part mainly analyzes the reasons of Zeng Jize's failure in the negotiation of France from the aspects of the Qing government's own strength, the forces inside and outside the Qing government, and the French government's persistence on the interests of Vietnam. It also discusses the inevitability of the demise of the suzerain-vassal system and the modernization of diplomacy.
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