[Abstract]:During the period of puppet Manchuria, the Japanese aggressors, in order to cover up their acts of aggression against China and give full play to their ideological role, used various cultural means to distort the facts, continuously beautify their colonial aggression against China and paralyze the Chinese people in the occupied areas. To realize its colonial rule and enslavement in the areas occupied by China. In this process, the Japanese invaders used the soft power of culture to fabricate historical and cultural facts to construct the legitimacy of Japanese aggression, and the rationality of Japanese aggression was constructed by artistic means. To beautify the colonial rule by literature and art to construct the reasonableness of Japanese aggression. Japan uses folk literature, drama, film and other cultural and artistic means to beautify its cultural aggression during the fall of Northeast China, the essence of which is to realize Japanese cultural colonization and cultural aggression through literary and artistic means.
【作者单位】: 辽宁社会科学院;辽宁社会科学院哲学所;北京语言大学;
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