[Abstract]:It is every citizen's duty to keep the fine tradition of patriotism and embody the value of patriotism at all times, and the concept of state is the foundation of patriotism. Therefore, the construction of farmers' national concept is an important means to ensure the patriotic enthusiasm of farmers. Both in history and today, farmers' concept of state is always changing with the change of political power and rural governance system. At the same time, the peasant's national concept also deeply influences and controls the performance of the state power construction. There is no doubt that the study of farmers' national concept has great theoretical and practical significance. Based on Marxist philosophy, political science, sociology, history and other disciplines, this paper reviews and combs the relevant literature on the study of national consciousness and peasant groups in academic circles at home and abroad. Based on the historical and historical background, this paper tries to expound the national concept of peasants in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China. First of all, the basic definition of relevant concepts; secondly, the construction path and evaluation of farmers' national concept in the early years of the founding of the people's Republic of China. After sorting out clearly, the author abstracts the historical enlightenment of the construction of peasant's national concept in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China. In view of this, the author thinks that the understanding and clarification of the peasant national concept in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China is conducive to the attention of the country to the countryside, agriculture and farmers today, and to the further cultivation of the modern peasant national concept. To inspire patriotism in China's largest population group.
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