[Abstract]:Huaihua region is located in the southwest of Hunan Province. It has been a natural disaster area since ancient times. Since the Republic of China, disasters have become more frequent. Taking the period of the Republic of China as the time period, this paper makes a thorough and thorough study and discussion on the general situation, characteristics, causes, effects and control countermeasures of natural disasters in Huaihua region. Through the study of natural disasters and disaster relief system in Huaihua area during the period of the Republic of China, this paper analyzes the experience, gain and loss, in order to provide useful reference for the construction of social disaster relief system in modern remote and backward areas. During the period of the Republic of China, the flood, drought, insect pest disaster, epidemic disaster and other natural disasters in Huaihua area were frequently raging, almost no year without disasters, showing the characteristics of extensive, frequent and concurrent, which brought about a serious disaster to the people of all nationalities in Huaihua. Serious natural disasters not only caused the death or flight of a large number of people, but also caused great losses and destruction to agricultural production, and many victims lived in hunger or death all day long and suffered severe physical and mental damage, Has exacerbated the social disorder. Its root cause, both natural environment factor, also has the social aspect influence. The complex and diverse terrain, geology and climatic conditions in Huaihua region are an important factor in the vulnerability to natural disasters, but it is the social factors that play a decisive role: rural productivity is backward, the economy is weak, and society is unstable. Warlords fought and divided, bandits, and weakened the people's ability to resist disasters, which greatly aggravated the harm caused by natural disasters. In the face of frequent natural disasters and serious social impact, various circles of society in Huaihua area of the Republic of China adopted corresponding disaster relief and disaster prevention measures to alleviate the social crisis. From the point of view of its disaster relief measures, it basically depends on the government, the whole disaster relief process is under the direct control of the government, the dependent disaster relief features are highlighted, and the ability of the victims to save themselves is relatively weak. This passive disaster relief mechanism, to a certain extent, restricts the effectiveness of disaster prevention and treatment, and reflects the lack of disaster relief system at that time. In addition, the establishment of some special relief organizations and the intervention of modern science and technology have played a positive role in disaster prevention and control, and also reflected the growth of modern factors. At the same time, Huaihua area in the Republic of China achieved remarkable results in disaster prevention, indicating that people gradually realized that "prevention" is more important than "rescue". This reflected the progress of the concept of disaster relief at that time, in line with the requirements of social development.
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