[Abstract]:The National Salvation Times was a newspaper founded by the Communist Party of China overseas during the War of Resistance against Japan. Since its founding, it has taken on the responsibility of collective propagandists and organizers, propagated the Party's principles and policies, and became the most widely distributed anti-Japanese propaganda newspaper established overseas. It is also the first Chinese news media to publish the August 1 Declaration, which has greatly improved the passive situation of the Communist Party of China (CPC) fighting mute battles. Chinese-run Chinese newspapers and periodicals appeared late, and foreign reports aimed at foreigners appeared even later. Prior to the founding of the "National Salvation Times," the organized and organized foreign reporting in China can be traced back to the "Central Daily", the first foreign reporting organization in the history of the Communist Party of China, which was founded by the Kuomintang in Hankou in 1927. It was established in Shanghai in October 1930. Due to the military blockade and technical objective reasons, until the beginning of the War of Resistance against Japan, the press in the base areas did not carry out regular reports directly to foreign countries. In terms of the principle of external reporting, the principles and policies of the CPC in the war period regarding safeguarding national interests as the supreme principle closely revolved around the theme of "resisting Japan and saving the nation." The news reports and commentaries published everywhere showed the idea of "fighting for the country." the coverage covered the whole country, and the most important and internationally significant news was compiled and distributed in the selection of content, focusing on the situation of overseas Chinese resisting Japan and life dynamics. To carry out international publicity and actively mobilize overseas Chinese to raise funds to resist Japan and save the country. In addition, in order to achieve better communication results, in the process of reporting, the "National Salvation Times" has a distinctive political character and strong timeliness. It has built a bridge of communication with the readers by means of popularized expression methods. In news reports, See "human feelings" heavy "life", to achieve a better purpose of news publicity. In terms of content, it is concretely reflected in two aspects: news reports and comments. The contents of the reports focus on resistance against Japan, express feelings of concern for the country, guide the public to resist Japan in the comments, and can widely accept the speeches and letters from people from all sides of the country to save the country. China's interests against the damage to the news and comments to carry out a favorable counterattack. In order to alleviate the problem of insufficient funds for running newspapers, it was one of the few political party newspapers and periodicals that published commercial advertisements at that time, and actively offered shares to overseas Chinese, set up agency sales departments in China, and expanded the distribution of newspapers. In addition, supplements are often published to commemorate important news events and historical figures, showing outstanding journalistic planning skills. Researching and propagating the achievements and experiences of the National Salvation Times will play a positive role in promoting the current news dissemination.
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