[Abstract]:The development of modern insurance industry in China is very difficult. In the face of monopoly management of foreign insurance companies, Chinese insurance industry has grown from small to large, from weak to strong. During the period of 1927-1937, the Chinese business insurance industry ushered in an unprecedented historical development peak. During this period, the typical city for the vigorous development of the Chinese business insurance industry was Shanghai, which was the center of modern China's economic development. There are unique historical reasons for the achievements of the Chinese insurance industry in Shanghai during this period. This paper analyzes the subjective and objective factors of the rapid development of the Chinese insurance industry in Shanghai through describing the general situation of its development from various angles in this period, and combining with the social and economic environment at that time. In order to find out some references for the development of contemporary Chinese insurance industry. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four parts, its basic situation is as follows: the introduction mainly describes the significance of the topic and academic frontier, research perspective. The first part "the emergence and slow development of modern insurance industry" mainly introduces the spread of modern insurance thought in China, how the modern insurance industry took root in China and the development of Chinese business insurance industry in Shanghai at the beginning of the 20th century. The second part, "the rapid development of the Chinese insurance industry in Shanghai from 1927-1937", first shows the general situation of the development of the Chinese insurance institutions in Shanghai, and then describes other manifestations of the rapid development of the insurance industry in Shanghai during this period, such as the association of the Chinese business insurance. The development of insurance academic and the enhancement of people's insurance consciousness. The third part, "the reasons for the rapid development of the insurance industry in Shanghai from 1927-1937", analyzes the reasons for the rapid development of the insurance industry in Shanghai, including the involvement of bureaucrats and bank capital. The development of national industry promotes the insurance industry, the perfection of laws and regulations and the support of the public. The fourth part, "the significance of the rapid development of Shanghai Chinese business insurance industry from 1927 to 1937", discusses the complementary relationship between insurance industry and economic development under the premise of the rapid development of Chinese business insurance industry in this period. The conclusion describes the general situation of the Chinese business insurance industry in Shanghai during the period of the Republic of China, and analyzes the subjective and objective reasons for the rapid development of the insurance industry in this period. The author hopes to enlighten the development of China's insurance industry.
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