[Abstract]:This paper mainly discusses the development of forestry in modern Xinjiang. Before the Republic of China, Xinjiang forestry has no management, in a state of arbitrary logging. In the period of the Republic of China, the forestry of Xinjiang began to enter the stage of development with the forestry getting a certain degree of attention in the whole country. Mainly from the following parts to analyze: first, the forest situation in Xinjiang before the Republic of China. Basically in a natural state, no management, people cut down at will, afforestation is also very little. Second, the forestry situation of Xinjiang during the Republic of China period. In this period, China began to pay attention to forestry development, produced a number of specialized forestry personnel. The first Forestry Law of China and some other forestry laws and regulations have been formulated, which indicates that the development of forestry in China has been guaranteed by law. Xinjiang forestry in Yang Zengxin and Jin Shuren period did not get big development. Until the period of Sheng Shicai, with the help of the Soviet Union and a large number of Communists, Xinjiang formulated some policies and regulations for the development of forestry, and vigorously carried out afforestation propaganda, in order to mobilize the broad masses of people to participate in the afforestation movement in Xinjiang. At the same time, pay attention to the development of sericulture industry, achieved more remarkable results. Third, historical thinking. Through the analysis of forestry development in modern Xinjiang, it is helpful to draw lessons from experience, strengthen forestry science and technology and education investment, and continue to carry out afforestation campaign. So that we stand in the historical height of the development of modern forestry, improve the ecological environment in Xinjiang.
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