发布时间:2018-10-30 10:23
【摘要】:无论晚清还是民初,国民程度都是其时知识分子急切关注的问题。知识分子总结政治运动失败的经验,,一致得出结论:国民程度过低,即国人知识水平低下,缺乏国民意识,不具备近代化政治所需的基本素质。国人的消极意识和行为是救国求强运动失败的重要原因。中国需要具备行宪能力的国民。 立宪派主张实行君主立宪制而反对实行民主共和制,其理由之一是“国民程度不足”。革命派认为民主共和制是人类政治文明的大势所趋,革命可以解决国民程度不足的问题,中国应通过革命改封建君主制为民主共和制。为此,双方在《新民丛报》和《民报》上展开了大论战。论战似乎以民主共和论的胜利而告终,但是国民程度不足的问题并没能解决。民国共和制度被破坏后,对国民程度的重新检讨引发了“新文化运动”。反思当时人们关于国民程度问题的认识可知,“惟重实用”的学术传统导致中国近代学术滋长了一种急功近利和以学术之外的标准来衡量和剪裁学术的倾向。功利主义的学术导致功利主义的政治。对国民程度的不同认识,影响了革命派和立宪派的政体选择,进而对清末政体改革产生了不可忽视的影响。
[Abstract]:Whether in the late Qing Dynasty or the early Republic of China, the national level was an urgent concern for intellectuals at that time. After summing up the experience of the failure of the political movement, the intellectuals come to the conclusion that the national level is too low, that is, the knowledge level of the people is low, the national consciousness is lacking, and the basic qualities needed for modern politics are not available. The negative consciousness and behavior of the people are the important reasons for the failure of the campaign to save the country and seek strength. China needs citizens with constitutional competence. Constitutionalism advocates constitutional monarchy and opposes democratic republic, one of the reasons is that the national level is not enough. The revolutionaries believe that the democratic republic system is the general trend of human political civilization, the revolution can solve the problem of insufficient national level, China should transform the feudal monarchy into the democratic republic system through revolution. To this end, the two sides in the Xinmin Cong newspaper and the people's newspaper launched a major debate. The debate seemed to end with a victory for democratic republicanism, but the lack of citizenship did not solve the problem. After the Republic of China was destroyed, the re-examination of the national level triggered the "New Culture Movement". Reflecting on people's understanding of the issue of national level at that time, we can see that the academic tradition of "only attaching importance to practicality" has led to a tendency of academic development in modern China. Utilitarian scholarship leads to utilitarian politics. The different understanding of the national level affected the regime choice of revolutionaries and constitutionalists, and then exerted an unnegligible influence on the political system reform in the late Qing Dynasty.
[Abstract]:Whether in the late Qing Dynasty or the early Republic of China, the national level was an urgent concern for intellectuals at that time. After summing up the experience of the failure of the political movement, the intellectuals come to the conclusion that the national level is too low, that is, the knowledge level of the people is low, the national consciousness is lacking, and the basic qualities needed for modern politics are not available. The negative consciousness and behavior of the people are the important reasons for the failure of the campaign to save the country and seek strength. China needs citizens with constitutional competence. Constitutionalism advocates constitutional monarchy and opposes democratic republic, one of the reasons is that the national level is not enough. The revolutionaries believe that the democratic republic system is the general trend of human political civilization, the revolution can solve the problem of insufficient national level, China should transform the feudal monarchy into the democratic republic system through revolution. To this end, the two sides in the Xinmin Cong newspaper and the people's newspaper launched a major debate. The debate seemed to end with a victory for democratic republicanism, but the lack of citizenship did not solve the problem. After the Republic of China was destroyed, the re-examination of the national level triggered the "New Culture Movement". Reflecting on people's understanding of the issue of national level at that time, we can see that the academic tradition of "only attaching importance to practicality" has led to a tendency of academic development in modern China. Utilitarian scholarship leads to utilitarian politics. The different understanding of the national level affected the regime choice of revolutionaries and constitutionalists, and then exerted an unnegligible influence on the political system reform in the late Qing Dynasty.
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