[Abstract]:In the period of the Republic of China, with the strengthening of the strength of the businessmen, the sense of social responsibility of the businessmen themselves, and the reward of the government for the social aid to students, many libraries were built or presided over by the businessmen. The active participation of businessmen makes up for the deficiency of public library, and plays an important role in the development of social atmosphere and education. This article takes the commercial library in the period of the Republic of China as the research object, aims to probe into the role that the businessman plays in promoting the construction of the commercial library, as well as the operation condition, the effect and the insufficiency of the commercial library. This paper consists of five parts: the first part introduces the origin and purpose of modern commercial library. The origin of the establishment of the library can be discussed from the internal and external factors. From the internal point of view, the economic strength of the businessmen, their own sense of social responsibility, industrial education, The demand for business education and the need to promote the status of businessmen, and other factors to promote this behavior. From the external point of view, the times of saving the nation, the incentive measures of the government, the promulgation of the law of library, and the prosperity of various social educational thoughts have become the external reasons for the rise of the business library. In addition, the purpose of commercial library is analyzed to deepen the understanding of businessman's motivation to participate in library business. The second part introduces the general situation of the modern commercial library, including the library of the Chamber of Commerce, the library attached to other merchant groups, the library established by the business circles, the library set up by individual businessmen or participating in the construction of the library. The third part discusses the specific problems in the development of commercial libraries in the Republic of China. Firstly, it analyzes the composition of funds and the participants, which is the key factor to define the commercial libraries. Secondly, the author analyzes the status of library premises and books collection and discusses the internal management system to show the scale and specific management of the commercial library. Finally, through the study of the internal activities and the external social relations of the commercial library, we can understand the efforts of the commercial library in self-propagating, expanding and expanding the influence. The fourth part analyzes the great loss and destruction caused by the war to the commercial library and the situation of some commercial libraries seeking to recover after the war to reveal their inner spiritual power. In addition, the final home of the commercial library is introduced. The fifth part summarizes the effect and limitation of the commercial library in the Republic of China. Some commercial libraries rely on the strength of businessmen or chamber of commerce organizations, gained more convenience, for their own development to gain favorable conditions; Commercial libraries benefit a wider social group except businessmen, provide a platform for learning and bring up a group of talents. However, commercial libraries also face the constraints of funds shortage, confusion, war damage and other problems, development is difficult.
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