发布时间:2018-11-20 18:12
【摘要】:十八、十九世纪,在西方资本主义国家对世界殖民地的争夺战中,亚洲亦被强制性地纳入到欧洲的这一体系中。在某种意义上来说,亚洲近代化即是近代西方逻辑在全世界不断贯彻过程中的一环。19世纪末,西方势力对东亚的武力扩张愈演愈烈,相对于长久沉浸在天朝迷梦中的晚清政府,日本的明治维新运动使其率先进入了世界近代化的体系,并在其后成为了西方的殖民扩张主义的忠实追随者。资源丰富的中华大地早已被日本觊觎多时,自清末开始,日本的情报组织就积极在华收集相关数据,为以后的侵华战争做准备。此后更是步步为营,加快对华“大陆政策”的推进。在中华民族的危急关头,中国共产党领导全国人民建立了抗日民族统一战线,团结了各阶级的力量来抵抗日寇。在抗战中针对日本“以华制华”建立伪政府、诱降国民政府以分散抗日力量的策略、中共及时调整了应对的方针政策,巩固和发展了统一战线,为抗日战争的胜利奠定了基础。 本文从中共党史研究的视角出发,以马克思主义政治学理论为指导,综合历史学、政治学、社会学等多种学科知识,采用理论联系实际的方法,在掌握大量资料的前提下,系统梳理日本侵华策略与中国抗日民族统一战线建立的理论资料和历史逻辑,认真研究和客观反映其不同时期的发展特点。从侵华战争爆发前后到改革开放新时期,将日本侵华策略与中国抗日民族统一战线建立的发展和联系大致分为四个历史阶段,凸显着侵华思想由酝酿到成熟,与此对应,抗日统一战线由建立到巩固发展的历程。抗日民族统一战线的形成、丰富和发展,有着其自身的显著特点,无不蕴涵着中国共产党对战争形势的正确分析和对日本侵华策略的深刻认识。中日两国恢复邦交以来,中日关系有了一定的恢复和发展。自近代以来,中日两国都面临着后发展国家转型的机遇和挑战,而两国现代化的轨迹和结局却大相径庭。如今的中日两国有着不同的政治制度和意识形态,以何种态度来应对“东亚共同体”的理论观点,建设和谐发展的中日关系,真正促进亚洲的共同发展成为了一个新的课题。今天,对侵华策略与抗日统一战线之间的联系进行系统的认识研究仍具有重大的历史和现实意义。不仅有利于准确把握中国共产党人建立抗日统一战线这一思想的完整内涵和发展演进,而且对以后发展良好的中日关系,树立中国的国际形象也提供了思索和启示。对建立和谐发展的社会主义国家也大有裨益。
[Abstract]:In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Asia was also forced into the European system in the battle for world colonies by Western capitalist countries. In a sense, the modernization of Asia is a link in the continuous implementation of modern Western logic throughout the world. At the end of the 19th century, the Western forces' military expansion of East Asia intensified. Compared with the late Qing government immersed in the dream of the Chinese dynasty for a long time, Japan's Meiji Restoration Movement led it to enter the modern system of the world and later became a loyal follower of Western colonial expansionism. Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, Japanese intelligence organizations have been actively collecting relevant data in China to prepare for the future war of aggression against China. Since then, it has been a step by step to speed up the promotion of China's "mainland policy." At the critical moment of the Chinese nation, the Communist Party of China led the whole nation to establish an anti-Japanese national United front and United the forces of all classes against the Japanese aggressors. In the Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese government was set up to disperse the anti-Japanese forces, and the Communist Party of China adjusted the principles and policies in time, consolidated and developed the United front, and laid the foundation for the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan. In this paper, from the perspective of the study of CPC history, under the guidance of Marxist political theory, the author synthesizes the knowledge of history, political science, sociology and so on, adopts the method of integrating theory with practice, and under the premise of mastering a great deal of information, This paper systematically combs the theoretical data and historical logic of the strategy of Japanese aggression against China and the establishment of China's anti-Japanese national United front, and conscientiously studies and objectively reflects the characteristics of its development in different periods. From the outbreak of the war of aggression against China to the new period of reform and opening up, the development and relationship between the strategy of Japanese aggression against China and the establishment of China's anti-Japanese national United front are roughly divided into four historical stages, highlighting the thought of invading China from brewing to maturity, corresponding to this. The course of anti-Japanese United front from establishment to consolidation and development. The formation, enrichment and development of the anti-Japanese national United front have its own remarkable characteristics, all of which contain the correct analysis of the war situation and the profound understanding of Japan's strategy of invading China. Since the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, Sino-Japanese relations have recovered and developed to a certain extent. Since modern times, both China and Japan are faced with the opportunities and challenges of the transformation of the post-development countries, but the tracks and outcomes of the modernization of the two countries are quite different. Nowadays, China and Japan have different political systems and ideologies. How to deal with the theory of "East Asian Community", to build a harmonious Sino-Japanese relationship and to promote the common development of Asia has become a new topic. Today, it is of great historical and practical significance to study systematically the relationship between the strategy of aggression against China and the anti-Japanese United front. It is not only helpful to grasp the complete connotation and evolution of the Chinese Communists' idea of establishing the anti-Japanese United front, but also provides a reflection and inspiration for the development of good Sino-Japanese relations and the establishment of China's international image. It is also of great benefit to the establishment of a harmonious and developing socialist country.
[Abstract]:In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Asia was also forced into the European system in the battle for world colonies by Western capitalist countries. In a sense, the modernization of Asia is a link in the continuous implementation of modern Western logic throughout the world. At the end of the 19th century, the Western forces' military expansion of East Asia intensified. Compared with the late Qing government immersed in the dream of the Chinese dynasty for a long time, Japan's Meiji Restoration Movement led it to enter the modern system of the world and later became a loyal follower of Western colonial expansionism. Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, Japanese intelligence organizations have been actively collecting relevant data in China to prepare for the future war of aggression against China. Since then, it has been a step by step to speed up the promotion of China's "mainland policy." At the critical moment of the Chinese nation, the Communist Party of China led the whole nation to establish an anti-Japanese national United front and United the forces of all classes against the Japanese aggressors. In the Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese government was set up to disperse the anti-Japanese forces, and the Communist Party of China adjusted the principles and policies in time, consolidated and developed the United front, and laid the foundation for the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan. In this paper, from the perspective of the study of CPC history, under the guidance of Marxist political theory, the author synthesizes the knowledge of history, political science, sociology and so on, adopts the method of integrating theory with practice, and under the premise of mastering a great deal of information, This paper systematically combs the theoretical data and historical logic of the strategy of Japanese aggression against China and the establishment of China's anti-Japanese national United front, and conscientiously studies and objectively reflects the characteristics of its development in different periods. From the outbreak of the war of aggression against China to the new period of reform and opening up, the development and relationship between the strategy of Japanese aggression against China and the establishment of China's anti-Japanese national United front are roughly divided into four historical stages, highlighting the thought of invading China from brewing to maturity, corresponding to this. The course of anti-Japanese United front from establishment to consolidation and development. The formation, enrichment and development of the anti-Japanese national United front have its own remarkable characteristics, all of which contain the correct analysis of the war situation and the profound understanding of Japan's strategy of invading China. Since the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, Sino-Japanese relations have recovered and developed to a certain extent. Since modern times, both China and Japan are faced with the opportunities and challenges of the transformation of the post-development countries, but the tracks and outcomes of the modernization of the two countries are quite different. Nowadays, China and Japan have different political systems and ideologies. How to deal with the theory of "East Asian Community", to build a harmonious Sino-Japanese relationship and to promote the common development of Asia has become a new topic. Today, it is of great historical and practical significance to study systematically the relationship between the strategy of aggression against China and the anti-Japanese United front. It is not only helpful to grasp the complete connotation and evolution of the Chinese Communists' idea of establishing the anti-Japanese United front, but also provides a reflection and inspiration for the development of good Sino-Japanese relations and the establishment of China's international image. It is also of great benefit to the establishment of a harmonious and developing socialist country.
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