[Abstract]:With the abolition of the imperial examination system, the establishment and popularization of the new educational system, the growing number of students in schools, and the decline of the class of literati and officials, The new intellectual class began to emerge and became active in China's historical stage. The emergence of modern intellectuals is a modern event, and an important issue accompanying with it is the identity transformation and identity of intellectuals, which can also be called "identity modernization". The late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China was the most concentrated and prominent stage of this phenomenon, especially in the May 4th period with the characteristics of enlightenment. The New Chao Society is one of the famous student societies which appeared in Peking University in the May 4th period, and also one of the typical representatives of modern intellectuals. Fu Sinian, Luo Jialun, Gu Jiegang and Yu Pingbo are the representative figures among them. The emergence of this group and the establishment of the magazine were all influenced and restricted by the specific times and social conditions, especially after the reform of Cai Yuanpei, and the establishment of the modern higher education system in Peking University. The change of system also leads to the transformation of field and the change of identity. The members of the trendy society come from a wide range of sources and have a complex background, but there are also many similarities and commonalities among them, in interpersonal and other forms of communication, because of each other's ideals, values, The consistency of knowledge background and emotional attitude, and attraction to each other, and eventually combine into a human nature of the community. The behavior in this social network also affects their cognition and orientation of self-identity. As parents and teachers of the elder generation, they play an irreplaceable role in the growth of human beings and the shaping of personality and values, and also have an important impact on their identity. In addition, the publication of magazines, the initiation of enlightenment activities and the communication between authors and readers also affect the formation of their identity. Identity also has a direct and close relationship with a particular discourse. The liberal tendency of the new trend, the struggle between the new and the old, the distinction between the "me" and the "other" make this identity more prominent. However, the persistent pursuit of academic salvation and the ideal of life based on "learning as one's ambition" make the new trend society more conscious of the identity of itself.
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