[Abstract]:From October to November 1957, the CPC solemnly commemorated the 40th anniversary of the victory of the October Revolution because of the multiple needs of international and domestic political development. In the planning and implementation of the commemorative activities, by publicizing the visit of Soviet leaders to China as a prelude to the event, by upgrading the specifications to show the importance attached to the activities, and by setting up a platform to promote the commemorative exchanges between China and the Soviet Union, It is a distinctive feature to ensure the memorial effect through various forms of activities. In terms of the political expression of the main purpose of the commemoration, the great significance of the October Revolution is elucidated, the Soviet Union's experience in socialist construction is affirmed, the socialist camp is United, and the focus is on encouraging the development of the socialist revolution in China. In the historical presentation of the commemorative value, the CPC took this opportunity to construct revolutionary memory, to coordinate international relations, to shape the image of political parties and to carry out political mobilization so as to ensure the full release of the political function and social value of the commemorative activities.
【作者单位】: 华南师范大学马克思主义学院;
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