[Abstract]:Based on the collection and study of the documents and local records, this paper collates and studies the relevant documents about the immigrants from Xin'anjiang River to Jiangxi Province. The resettlement problem of Xin'anjiang immigrants has already appeared in the period of "Great Leap forward", and has already appeared the situation of outflow. With the development of situation, it is inevitable to relocate in the period of "Cultural Revolution", so there are 100,000 Xin'anjiang immigrants entering Jiangxi Province. In this special period, the state, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces and local counties and cities held different attitudes towards the incident of Xinanjiang immigrants to Jiangxi. Due to the great problems in the resettlement and resettlement funds of these Xin'anjiang immigrants into Jiangxi Province, this has also forced the immigrants to take some drastic actions in order to safeguard their interests. After a gap of 20 years, the state began to deal with the problems left over by the Xinanjiang migrants and began to increase their support for the reservoir migrants. The Xinanjiang immigrants made great contributions to the national construction, and consequently fell into difficulties. It is also a process to solve the remaining problems and support reservoir migrants. It is a history of blood and tears for Xinanjiang immigrants who have been displaced from their homes and have been relocated many times. However, this group of immigrants have been able to establish themselves in Jiangxi and integrate into the local society, so it is also a history of struggle of immigrants. By means of anthropology and sociology, this paper will understand the basic social changes of immigrant villages on the basis of on-the-spot investigation and analyze the reasons for the economic development of immigrant villages. The study on the migration into the Xin'anjiang River in Jiangxi Province will be useful for reference to the similar work such as reservoir resettlement and the development of rural economy in China.
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