[Abstract]:Oral, medical, educational and written preaching are the four pillars of the missionary cause of modern Chinese missionaries, among which literal preaching is considered to be the most suitable mode of preaching for China's national conditions. "other methods can make thousands of people change their minds, while word propaganda can make millions of people change their minds." 1 therefore, newspapers and periodicals have become an important tool for the missionary's cross-cultural communication to China. The early missionary newspapers and periodicals were purely religious publications. In order to arouse the concern of the Chinese, the missionaries took a series of measures to reform the newspapers and periodicals in terms of content and style, showing the characteristics of secularization. The Christian doctrine is subtly integrated into the real life of the Chinese people. At that time, the great difference in the living conditions of Chinese and western women aroused widespread concern of missionaries in China, who used newspapers and periodicals to carry out a great deal of propaganda work. This concern is not aimless. On the one hand, it lies in the spontaneous behavior under the guidance of the Christian doctrine of "freedom, equality and fraternity", on the other hand, it comes from the stimulus of the fundamental goal of "making China Christicized" and has a certain utilitarian color. The study of missionary newspapers and periodicals propagating the concept of women can help to confirm the religious essence of missionary newspapers and periodicals. The increase in the proportion of secular content is not a qualitative change, but a strategic choice of missionary means. At the same time, the spread of western female concept greatly shocked the Chinese traditional female concept, played the role of ideological enlightenment, and has demonstration significance. The study of this problem reflects the influence of missionary newspapers and periodicals on Chinese society, and at the same time, it has profound enlightenment and significance to our cross-cultural communication activities. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter analyzes the reason why the modern missionaries came to China to pay attention to the problem of Chinese women from the two angles of ideological background and realistic situation, which is the basis of the later discussion. The preacher's concern about the living conditions of Chinese women reflected the Christian religious attitude of "God loves the world" and "everyone is equal", especially under the influence of the Qing Dynasty's policy of banning religion. Women as a breakthrough mission is also a strategic choice to promote missionary. The second chapter analyzes the religious essence of missionary newspapers and periodicals, and analyzes the contents of several focal points of missionary newspapers and periodicals propagating the concept of women. It is not difficult to find that the fundamental purpose of missionaries is never divorced from the praise of the greatness of Christ, and that the attention to women's problems is only a formal choice, and missionary is the essence. Therefore, although the missionary press carried out a series of secularization reforms, its religious nature could not be denied. The third chapter analyzes the characteristics of missionary newspapers and periodicals spreading female ideas. Dissemination of female concept is the embodiment of missionary strategy. On the basis of the previous chapter, this paper summarizes the characteristics of missionary newspapers and periodicals propagating female ideas. The fourth chapter discusses the significance of missionary newspapers and periodicals to the enlightenment of Chinese women. The missionary's propaganda of the concept of women is an important branch of the cultural exchange system between China and the West. It not only causes the Chinese people to think about the concept of women from an ideological point of view, but also improves the social status of Chinese women from a realistic point of view. It has promoted the development of social modernization in China.
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