
发布时间:2019-03-23 16:15
[Abstract]:Guang Xu's "surrender" by Wang Zhao to the Qing court in March (1904) is not a surrender in a general sense, nor can the inside information be explained on the basis of his self-report. The archives of the existing Taipei Forbidden City in the Qing Dynasty provide the original basis for restoring the historical truth. At that time, newspapers and periodicals in Tianjin, Shanghai and other places, especially the Great Bulletin, reported the cases continuously, reflecting the solidarity and sympathy of the public opinion towards Wang Zhao, and providing abundant references for the present people to analyze the original cause of the incident. Research shows that Wang Zhao's written talks with Dog Yangyi during his exile in Japan revealed the inside story of Kang and Liang's forgery of secret edict, which was intermingled with the political factors of the struggle between the revolutionary and imperial factions, and the spread of written talk. It objectively clarifies the grievance of Emperor Guangxu's participation in the "plot of the Garden", which resonated widely in all walks of life in the government and opposition, and made it possible for Wang Zhaogeng to return to live in seclusion and later voluntarily surrender to the case. To rebuild the historical facts and to sort out Wang Zhao's "surrender" is helpful to re-understand the extraordinary historical status of the reformist in the late Qing Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院近代史研究所;


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