
发布时间:2019-06-13 20:25
【摘要】:清术民初是宪政思想在中国迅速传播、付诸试验并遭受重大挫折的阶段。清术立宪派和民初的进步党、研究系一脉相承,作为关键性的力量参与了全过程。本论文的研究对象——汤化龙,作为该派的重要领袖,其政治生涯则与上述过程相始终。对其政治活动的考察,为我们观察近代中国宪政进程的曲折展开提供了良好的视角。 汤化龙的政治生涯开始于1908年底,其时奉调回籍参与筹办咨议局;结束于1917年底,其时作为段祺瑞内阁成员连带下野,次年秋在美游历时遇刺身亡期间以辛亥革命和第一届国会复会为界,可分为三个阶段,大体为清术、袁世凯统治时期和段祺瑞统治时期。 宪政思想在19世纪术年被作为救亡手段传入中国。清政府1906年宣布预备立宪,并于1907年谕令筹办咨议局,为汤化龙这种既具有高等功名又通晓法政知识的新式士绅提供了广阔的活动空间,并使其迅速登上地方和全国性的政治舞台。省内立宪派也很快以合法组织为依托,以咨议局为中心,以留日法政学生为骨干,聚集起来。咨议局作为立宪派的主要阵地,不仅积极维护、行使章程所赋予的权力,而且在国会请愿、拒债保路等社会性的运动中成为舆论中心和发动中心。咨议局开幕后,全国立宪派在请愿速开国会运动的推动下,通过召开各省咨议局议员联合会、成立宪友会,自觉地实现了联合。在清术立宪运动的洪流中,汤化龙一跃而成为全国知名的立宪派领袖人物,积累了较为丰富的议会实践经验和广泛的人脉。 民国成立,中国在经济与社会基础没有变化的条件下从西方移植了政党、议会、内阁等宪政框架。国民党和进步党进入国会,都希望通过在国会中占据多数进而组织一党内阁,但实权却操纵在掌握北洋军队、排斥宪政理念的袁世凯手中。袁世凯以专制独裁为目标,扶植、利用进步党,打击、驱逐国民党;进步党以“开明专制”为理念,依附、维护袁世凯,试图上台执政。进步党保有政治底线,在袁世凯露出帝制面目后决裂而去,与国民党携手抗袁,重返国会。在这一时期,汤化龙聚集起一批志同道合的旧立宪派骨干,在政党和国会间互为依托,成为众议院议长和进步党领袖,与梁启超并称党魁。汤、梁在党内各有渊源,而汤介入实际党务较梁更深。“二次革命”失败后,汤化龙积极推动进步党组阁,但结果却无法贯彻本党主张,且汤、梁因解散国民党与国会事趋于分裂。汤化龙此后担任教育总长,他尊孔,但反对中小学课读全经,在此问题上不敌复古思潮,不安于位。其辞职和决定反袁的过程颇为曲折,反袁期间和梁启超、孙洪伊各行其是。袁死之后,汤化龙进京疏通,督促段祺瑞下定决心恢复临时约法与国会。 国会复会后,政治格局较袁前期有很大不同。国民党与进步党重返国会,以商榷系和研究系的形式进行对抗,且更加激烈;研究系居少数,在国会议事和宪法会议中处处受到压制。研究系没有改变其扶助与引导“中心势力”的政治路线,但对掌握政权的诉求降低,而一心支持段祺瑞。汤化龙向商榷系建议共同赞助段内阁,并尽快完成制宪工作,以期国家宪政进入正轨,但事与愿违。府院之间、阁会之间、国会内部党派之间的冲突愈演愈烈,到1917年5月份,因参战问题与制宪问题,矛盾爆发。汤化龙由于对国会极端失望,与段祺瑞(督军团)结合主张解散国会,在张勋复辟被讨平后也拒不恢复,并召集临时参议院,试图修改国会组织法,改造国会,以达到在国会中占据多数的目的。这一企图被军阀轻易击破,研究系完全失去政治活动空间。汤化龙曾是宪政的真诚追求者和国会的坚决维护者,强调循轨、秩序;最后却不循轨、不守秩序,破坏宪政、解散国会,引发南北冲突。 论文共分为五章,汤化龙上述三个阶段的政治活动,分别作为第二、四、五章。此外,第一章考察汤化龙的成长教育背景及其宪政思想的形成。第三章则考察汤化龙在武昌参与首义期间的活动,对其出山、任职、任事及出走的过程,做了详细梳理。
[Abstract]:The early Qing Dynasty was the stage in which the constitutional thought spread rapidly in China, put to the test and suffered major setbacks. The party of the Qing Dynasty and the Progressive Party of the People's Republic of China, and the research department, participated in the whole process as a key force. As an important leader of the school, the research object of this paper, as the important leader of the school, is always the same as the above-mentioned process. The investigation of its political activities has provided a good perspective for us to observe the tortuous development of the modern Chinese constitutional process. The political career of the dragon began at the end of 1908, for the time being, for the time being, in the preparation of the Committee of the State of the Union; the end of the end of 1917, the time being, as a member of the section of the Cabinet, and the next year in the United States, the fall of the year was resumed at the Revolution of 1911 and the first session of the Congress. The boundary can be divided into three stages, which are mainly Qing-Shu, Yuan Shikai's reign and Duan's reign. In the 19th century, the thought of constitutionalism was transmitted as a means of saving and death. in 1906, that government of the Qing government announced the preparatory constitution, and in 1907, the government of the state-of-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-art gentry of the long-term and well-versed in the legal and political knowledge of the dragon provided a wide range of The constitutional government of the province is also based on the legal organization, with the State of the Union as the center, and the students of the law and administration of the day are the backbone and the poly. Set up. The State of the Union, as the main position of the constitutional group, not only actively maintains and exercises the powers conferred by the articles of association, but also becomes the centre and the hair of the public opinion in the social movements such as the petition of the Congress and the maintenance of the debt. The state-of-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-nation In the Hong flow of Qing-Shu's constitutional movement, the soup-long dragon has become a well-known constitutional leader in the whole country, and has accumulated rich experience and extensive experience in the Parliament. The People's Bank of China, established in the Republic of China, has transplanted political parties, parliaments and the cabinet from the West under the condition of no change in the economic and social basis When the Kuomintang and the Progressive Party go to Congress, the Kuomintang and the Progressive Party all want to adopt a majority in the Congress to organize a party's cabinet, but the real power is manipulated in the control of the military of the North and the rejection of the constitutional concept. Yuan Shikai was in the hands of Yuan Shikai. Yuan Shikai, with an autocratic and autocratic rule, promoted and used the Progressive Party to strike and expel the Kuomintang. The Progressive Party took the "enlightened despotism" as the concept, attached to it, and maintained Yuan Shikai. In power, the progressive party has a political bottom line, and after Yuan Shikai has revealed the face of the Emperor's face, it will break, and join hands with the Kuomintang to fight against it. In this period, the soup dragon gathered a group of like-minded old constitutional diaphysis, relying on each other between the political party and the Congress, and became the speaker of the House of Representatives and the leader of the Progressive Party, and Mr. Liang Qi The party has its own origins in the party, and the soup is involved in the actual party. After the "the second revolution" failed, the soup dragon actively promoted the progress party group, but the result was unable to carry out the party's claim, and the Tang and Liang were disbanded from the Kuomintang and the Congress Things tend to split. Mr. Tonghua has since served as the chief of the education, and he respected the hole, but opposed to the full-time reading of the primary and secondary school, on which the old thought of the old thought was not an enemy. The process of resigning and deciding the anti-dumping is rather tortuous, and the period of anti-dumping and Liang Qichao and Sun Hong After Yuan's death, Tang Huilong went to Beijing to dredge, and urged Mr. Duan to make up his mind to return to the interim. Congress and Congress. After the resumption of the Congress, the political structure is lower. In the early stage, the Kuomintang and the Progressive Party return to Congress to fight against the form of the system of discussion and research, and become more intense; the study is a minority, and in the proceedings of the National Assembly and the Constitutional Conference The study has not changed its political line to support and guide the "the central force", but the demand for the control of the regime is reduced, To support the section of the cabinet, Tang Huilong suggested to co-sponsor the cabinet of the section and to complete the constitution as soon as possible, with a view to the entry of the state's constitutional government into the right The conflict between the House and the House of Representatives and the internal party of the Congress is growing, and in May 1917, the issue of war and the constitution of the constitution The issue, the conflict broke out. Mr. Tonghua, as a result of the extreme disappointment of the Congress, combined with Mr. Duan's (the mission) for the release of the Congress, and refused to recover after Mr. Zhang's return, and called for a temporary Senate to try to amend the Organic Law of the National Assembly and to transform the Congress so as to be in the Congress To take up the majority of the purpose. The attempt was easily broken by the warlords, and the study was completely lost. To go to the space of political activity. The Tonghua dragon was the sincere suitor of the constitutional government and the firm defender of the Congress, and stressed the tracking and order; finally, it did not track, keep order, destroy the constitutional government, and demobilize the Congress. The paper is divided into five chapters, and the political activities of the three phases of Tonghua Dragon are divided into five chapters. As the second, the fourth and the fifth chapter. In addition, the first chapter examines the growth and education background of the Tang-long. The third chapter is to investigate the activities of the Tang-long in the first-meaning period of Wuchang's participation in the period of the first-meaning period, and to take stock, serve, and run away.


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