[Abstract]:Harbin Guan Dao, also known as Binjiang Guan Dao, is the earliest local administrative organization in Harbin. In 31 (1905), it was set up in Fujiadian, Harbin (now Daowei District). Its main function is to supervise regional tariffs and handle railway negotiations. The establishment and treatment of Harbin pass is of great significance to maintain regional stability and promote politics, economy, education, culture, diplomacy, social life and so on. To a certain extent, it resisted the destruction of China's interests by Russia and other countries, and effectively safeguarded national sovereignty. At the end of the 19th century, Russia seized privileges through a series of unequal treaties and built a "Ding" Middle East railway across Northeast China. Harbin became the central hub of the railway. In view of its important geographical position, countries scrambled to set up consulates, Harbin was forced to open a port, making it an international commercial port, but also opened up the modernization of the city. In view of the increasing importance of his position, Guang Xu (1905), Jilin General Da Gui, Heilongjiang General Cheng Dequan ensemble Emperor Guangxu invited to set up a gate in Harbin area, deal with railway negotiations, supervise regional tariffs. After the establishment of Harbin Guan Road, the actual jurisdiction area is Fu Jiadian, Sijiazi area outside the boundary of Middle East Railway affiliated to the Middle East Railway. The three Guan stations du Xueying, sa Yantu and Shi Zhaoji played an important role in maintaining regional stability and dealing with negotiations between Guan Dao and other countries. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. This paper systematically analyzes the relevant papers and literature over the years, sums up and summarizes the related papers, and carries on the viewpoint innovation and the theoretical sublimation on the basis of the original paper viewpoint. The second chapter is the construction of Middle East Railway and the opening of Harbin City. This chapter mainly starts with the frontier crisis in Heilongjiang before the construction of Middle East railway, and analyzes the unprecedented changes to Harbin after the crisis. After the construction of Middle East railway, Harbin, as a new city, began the process of urban modernization. The third chapter is the general situation of Harbin pass. This chapter is the main part of the paper. This paper mainly explains the general situation and historical evolution of Harbin Guan Dao. After closing down, the development and management of Fujiadian area are expounded in detail, including the establishment of industry and the establishment of school, all of which have an important impact on Harbin area. The fourth chapter is the influence of Harbin pass on Harbin area. The establishment and treatment of Harbin Guan Dao has brought unprecedented changes to Harbin area, and it is of great significance as the first administrative organ in Harbin area. It has played a positive role in politics, economy, culture and social life in Harbin, and safeguarded the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country. In a word, the establishment and governance of Harbin pass has an important impact on Harbin's politics, economy, culture and education, social life and so on.
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