[Abstract]:After the first direct worship of the war, Peking University faculty led by Cai Yuanpei and Hu Shi began to actively participate in politics. They had some ideas about the situation, so they ruled out the research department and the Kuomintang tried to unite with Wu Peifu. However, the cooperation with Wu Peifu was not effective, so he rejoined with the research department and launched a double ten disarmament conference to abolish the petition of the Public Security Police Law, which has a great impact on the current situation. It is precisely because of its influence and its relationship with Wang Donghui's cabinet that it has caused the counterattack of the Jinbao faction of the direct department, and the contradictions within the educational circles have also made Cai, Hu and other "Peking University departments" suffer from the enemy, and their political activities have ended in failure. However, the failure of the activity is not equal to the withdrawal of the educational circles from politics, but represents the loss of the opportunity for the powerful faction of the Northern Ocean to gain the support of the educational circles. The transfer of voice power and even the final failure of the North Ocean system can be said to be one of the root causes.
【作者单位】: 北京大学历史学系;
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