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  本文关键词:二十世纪三十年代青岛霍乱流行与公共卫生建设 出处:《中国海洋大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 青岛 霍乱 公共卫生

【摘要】: 霍乱是由霍乱弧菌所致的一种传染性强、死亡率高的烈性传染病,它与鼠疫一样,在西方的公共卫生史上居于十分重要的地位。霍乱的暴发与流行,与环境卫生状况有着密切的联系,肮脏、恶化的卫生状况往往成为霍乱等肠道传染病病菌滋生与传播的温床。19世纪中期,英国在遭受霍乱袭击之后,开始在各大城市中着手建设清洁的卫生体系,随着公共卫生法的实施,城镇的卫生环境大为改善,传染病对英国社会的威胁也大为降低。以至于人们称霍乱为“伟大的环境卫生改革者”。在青岛城市发展史上,由于不存在鼠疫等其他烈性传染病的侵袭,所以霍乱的流行对促进城市环境卫生的改善以及公共卫生建设具有重要的意义。 北洋政府统治时期,政府便着手制定了改造卫生状况较差的贫民区的计划。但该计划因青岛政权的交替而中断,直到三十年代初才由代表南京国民政府执政的市长沈鸿烈来具体实施。沈氏提出了“平民住所制度”,对青岛市区的大部分贫民区进行了改造,改善了当地的公共卫生条件以及普通居民的居住环境。这种类似廉租房的制度,在促进城市的公共卫生建设方面有着十分积极的意义。1932年,暴发了全国范围内的霍乱大流行。青岛虽屡有病例报告,但疫情很快就被控制住了,造成的损失也较六年前小了许多。平民住所制度在改善公共卫生环境、抵御传染病流行上起到了重要作用。 1939年,处于日军占领下的青岛再次暴发霍乱。此次霍乱由于军队的介入而富有特殊的意义。疫情的暴发对驻扎在青岛的日本军队构成了严重的威胁。为了维护战局的稳定以及保证军队的战斗力不会因烈性传染病的流行而遭到削弱,驻青岛的日本海军、陆军联起手来,成立联合防疫部,逐步将青岛的防疫工作从日伪当局手中接过。在整个防疫过程中由配角逐渐变成了主角。而日本当局的一些防疫措施,也充分体现了他们的殖民本性。疫情过后,日伪当局开始重视城市的公共卫生建设,而普通民众的卫生观念也在这次疫情中得到了改善。 上世纪三十年代的青岛,因其特殊的海港位置,独特的城市二元结构以及和平与战争两种不同的社会环境,在疾病史研究领域为我们提供了一个独特的观察视角。这两次霍乱流行对促进城市的公共卫生建设方面起到了积极的作用。青岛的公共卫生建设在这期间取得了长足的进步,虽然这些措施由于战争的暴发而一度中断,但霍乱疫情的重现又使日伪当局看到了改善城市公共卫生条件的重要性。在霍乱一次又一次的冲击下,青岛的公共卫生状况逐渐得到了改善。
[Abstract]:Cholera is a powerful infectious disease caused by Vibrio cholerae. Like plague, it plays an important role in the history of public health in the West. There is a close link with the state of environmental health, dirty, deteriorating health conditions often become cholera and other intestinal infectious diseases breeding and transmission of germs. The mid-19th century, the United Kingdom was attacked by cholera. The construction of a clean sanitation system has begun in major cities, and with the implementation of the Public Health Act, the sanitation environment in towns has been greatly improved. Infectious diseases have also reduced the threat to British society, so much so that cholera has been called a "great environmental health reformer". In the history of Qingdao's city, there were no other infectious diseases such as plague. So the epidemic of cholera plays an important role in promoting the improvement of urban environmental sanitation and public health construction. During the reign of the Beiyang government, the government began to work out a plan to rehabilitate poor sanitary slums, but the plan was interrupted by the change of government in Qingdao. It was not until the beginning of 30s that Shen Honglie, the mayor who represented the Nanjing National Government, came to the concrete implementation. Shen put forward the "civilian residence system" and renovated most of the slums in the urban area of Qingdao. Improved local public health conditions and the living environment of ordinary residents. This system, similar to low-rent housing, has a very positive significance in promoting public health construction in cities. 1932. There was a nationwide cholera pandemic. Although cases were frequently reported in Qingdao, the epidemic was quickly brought under control and the damage caused was much smaller than it was six years ago. The civilian shelter system is improving the public health environment. It plays an important role in combating the epidemic of infectious diseases. 1939. The outbreak of cholera in Qingdao, which is under Japanese occupation, is of special significance because of the intervention of the army. The outbreak poses a serious threat to the Japanese troops stationed in Qingdao. In order to maintain the stability of the war situation. To ensure that the combat effectiveness of the army will not be weakened by the prevalence of infectious diseases. The Japanese navy and army in Qingdao joined hands to set up a joint department for epidemic prevention. The epidemic prevention work in Qingdao was gradually taken over from the hands of the Japanese authorities. In the whole epidemic prevention process, the supporting actors gradually became the protagonists. And some epidemic prevention measures of the Japanese authorities. After the outbreak, the Japanese authorities began to attach importance to urban public health construction, and the general public health concept was also improved in this epidemic. In -70s, Qingdao, because of its special seaport location, unique dual structure of the city and two different social environments of peace and war. The two cholera epidemics have played a positive role in promoting public health construction in the city. The public health construction in Qingdao has been achieved during this period. Great progress. Although these measures were briefly interrupted by the outbreak of war, the resurgence of the cholera epidemic has shown the Japanese authorities the importance of improving public health conditions in the cities, which have been hit again and again by cholera. Public health in Qingdao has gradually improved.


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