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发布时间:2018-01-20 02:51

  本文关键词: 近代 河西 水利 水权 乡村社会 变迁 出处:《兰州大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 甘肃河西走廊自古以来就一直是一个重要的农牧业生产区域,近代以来至现在,是甘肃乃至中国重要的商品粮基地。由于地理、气候的因素,当地农业经济的发展,与水利灌溉密切相关,早在唐代就有“水是农业之命脉”的说法。因水利灌溉而产生的纠纷在河西地区屡见不鲜,水利纠纷作为中国传统农业社会中的一种重要社会现象,在生态和社会双重压力下成为一个突出的社会特征,是分析社会变迁的主要论据。近代以来,随着人口、生态变迁和国家政策的变化,透过河西以水资源利用为主的水利事务,可以看到国家与社会、官府与绅民、地方各种势力与一般用水民众,以及民众与民众之间的复杂互动关系,看到纠纷对管理秩序、村际关系、社会风气、习俗、民众用水心理等方方面面的影响,是研究近代河西乡村乃至中国乡村社会运行很好的切入点。长期以来对于河西地区近代水案与乡村社会变迁的研究还十分薄弱。因而,对此问题的研究可以在以下方面获得认识:首先,可以深层次探讨近代河西地区水利纠纷产生的自然和社会原因,加强对近代河西历史的认识。其次,近代河西地区水利纠纷牵涉面广、关乎各阶层的利益,解决纠纷的机制和方式复杂而且多样,对近代河西地区水利纠纷类型、解决方式、影响的分析探讨有助于我们从社会史的角度认识河西历史由传统社会向近代化的转变中,国家力量的统治、地方势力的控制、普通民众的斗争与接受三者之间的联系,有助于在今天解决好河西地区行政执法与人民利益、水利灌溉与农业生产、经济发展与生态平衡之间的关系。第三、对水案与乡村社会变迁的探讨可以使我们从社会史的角度以新的视角认识河西近代历史,对近代河西以水利事务为特色的社会的嬗变,即近代河西地区的水利纠纷反映出的社会的丰富内涵,包括水、水案、水利开发、水利组织、水利管理、解决机制,绅民的社会风貌及与时代转折的关系等,有更新的认识;另一方面也为我们在今天的社会主义新农村建设中正确积极处理各类问题、各种关系提供有益的借鉴。
[Abstract]:Gansu Hexi Corridor has been an important agricultural and animal husbandry production area since ancient times. Since modern times, it is an important commodity grain base in Gansu and even China. The development of local agricultural economy is closely related to irrigation of water conservancy. As early as the Tang Dynasty, there was a saying that "water is the lifeblood of agriculture". Disputes arising from irrigation of water conservancy are common in Hexi area. As an important social phenomenon in Chinese traditional agricultural society, water conservancy dispute has become a prominent social feature under the double pressure of ecology and society, which is the main argument for analyzing the social changes. With the change of population, ecological change and national policy, through the water conservancy affairs in Hexi, we can see the state and society, the government and the gentry and the people, the local forces and the general water users. And the complex interaction between the public and the public, see the disputes on the management order, inter-village relations, social atmosphere, customs, public water psychology and other aspects of the impact. It is a very good starting point to study the modern Hexi rural and even Chinese rural society. For a long time, the research on modern water cases and rural social changes in Hexi area is still very weak. The research on this problem can be understood in the following aspects: first, we can deeply explore the natural and social causes of water conservancy disputes in modern Hexi area, and strengthen the understanding of modern Hexi history. The modern Hexi area water conservancy dispute involves a wide range, relates to the each stratum benefit, the mechanism and the way to resolve the dispute is complex and diverse, to the modern Hexi area water conservancy dispute type, the solution way. The analysis and discussion of influence will help us to understand the transformation of Hexi history from traditional society to modern society, the domination of national power and the control of local forces from the perspective of social history. The relationship between ordinary people's struggle and acceptance will help to solve the relationship between administrative law enforcement and people's interests, irrigation and agricultural production, economic development and ecological balance in Hexi region today. The discussion of water case and rural social change can make us understand the modern history of Hexi from a new angle of view, and change the modern society of Hexi with water conservancy affairs as its characteristic. That is, the modern Hexi water disputes reflected the rich social connotation, including water, water cases, water development, water conservancy organization, water conservancy management, settlement mechanism, gentry and people's social features and the relationship with the turn of the times. To have an updated understanding; On the other hand, it also provides a useful reference for us to deal with all kinds of problems and relationships in the construction of new socialist countryside.


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