发布时间:2018-02-01 15:10
本文关键词: 田家洞长官司 永顺宣慰司 土司 湖南古丈县田家洞 治所 定位 出处:《中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2012年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Tien Chia-tung is one of the six chief executives of the Yongshun Xuan Fu Department, but in the history of history, there is no clear record of his administration. However, according to the historical data of the text of the Secretary for Chief of the Department of Tianjiatong. Combined with the field investigation obtained such as oral, family tree, inscription, military sites, place names and local annual large-scale sacrificial activities and other folk materials textual research. Guzhang County Tillongshan Township Tianjia Cave Natural Village is the location of the Chief Tian Jia Dong.
【作者单位】: 吉首大学酉水流域历史与文化研究中心;
【基金】:湖南省社会科学基金项目“化解中心与边缘冲突治国方略的递变及成效考评——以五溪地区地方势力兴衰为例”(06YB85) 教育部人文社会科学研究2012年规划基金项目“明清时期湖广土司的历史民族学研究”
【正文快照】: 田家洞长官司自明朝开始分别在正史、方志等史书中出现,但对其确切治所未有明确记载。笔者依据正史、方志等文本史料和田野调查所获的口述、实物资料,对其治所进行定位考证。一田家洞长官司最早见于《明史·土司传》:“洪武五年(1372年),永顺宣慰使顺德汪伦、堂S摪哺乖轮,