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发布时间:2018-02-21 01:56

  本文关键词: 近代 临沧地区 民族关系 促进机理 出处:《云南师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:临沧地区位于我国滇西南边陲,其中沧源、镇康、耿马三县与缅甸接壤,区境内居住着佤族、傣族、彝族、布朗族、拉祜族等二十多个少数民族,是典型的边疆多民族地区。近代,,面对列强的入侵,在内忧外患之际,临沧地区民族关系开始向近代民族关系转型。本文在梳理明清时期临沧地区民族关系的基础上,以近代临沧地区影响民族关系的大事件为中心,探讨了近代临沧地区民族关系的演变、特点及促进机理。文章结构如下: 绪论部分,阐述了本文的选题缘由、意义和相关研究现状,并对采用的研究方法和研究的空间范围作了阐述和界定;第一章介绍了临沧地区的自然地理环境,回顾了历史发展概况,简述了临沧地区民族的构成及分布状况;第二章论述了明至清中期,随着云州、顺宁、缅宁等地的改土归流,临沧地区的民族分布格局发展了改变,以汉族为核心凝聚作用的民族关系逐渐发展,且具有地域性差异,各民族间的交流和融合呈现出范围相对狭小等特点;第三章论述了近代临沧地区各民族联合反抗清廷和土司的剥削压迫,共同抵御英、日帝国主义的侵略。同时,民族间的迁徙和流动趋于频繁。这些因素成为近代临沧地区民族关系转型的依存环境;第四章分析讨论了近代帝国主义势力渗透到临沧地区前后民族关系的发展演进及特点。国家认同、族际认同、各民族共居地域认同的增强以及汉族和汉文化在民族关系建构中的纽带作用和凝聚作用成为促进近代临沧地区民族关系发展的重要机理;结语部分,讨论了近代临沧地区民族关系的发展对现当代的启发和思考。
[Abstract]:The Lincang region is located in the southwestern border of Yunnan, in which Cangyuan, Zhenkang and Gengma counties are bordering Myanmar. There are more than 20 ethnic minorities living in the region, such as WA, Dai, Yi, Brown, Lahu, etc. In modern times, in the face of the invasion of foreign powers, the ethnic relations in Lincang began to transform to modern ethnic relations. This paper, on the basis of combing the ethnic relations in Lincang during the Ming and Qing dynasties, This paper discusses the evolution, characteristics and promotion mechanism of the ethnic relations in Lincang area, focusing on the major events affecting the ethnic relations in Lincang area in modern times, and the structure of the article is as follows:. The first chapter introduces the natural geographical environment of Lincang area. This paper reviews the general situation of historical development, briefly describes the composition and distribution of the ethnic groups in Lincang region, and discusses in the second chapter that the distribution pattern of nationalities in Lincang area has changed with the change of land and flow from Yunzhou, Shunning and Minning to the middle period of Ming and Qing dynasties. The ethnic relations with the Han nationality as the core of cohesion gradually develop, and have regional differences, and the communication and integration among the ethnic groups show the characteristics of relatively narrow range. The third chapter discusses how all nationalities in Lincang area in modern times United against the exploitation and oppression of the Qing Dynasty and the Tusi, and jointly withstood the aggression of British and Japanese imperialism. At the same time, The migration and mobility of ethnic groups tend to be frequent. These factors become the dependent environment for the transition of ethnic relations in Lincang area in modern times. Chapter 4th analyzes and discusses the evolution and characteristics of ethnic relations before and after the infiltration of modern imperialist forces into Lincang. The strengthening of the regional identity of the ethnic groups and the link and cohesion of Han and Han cultures in the construction of ethnic relations become the important mechanism to promote the development of ethnic relations in Lincang area in modern times. This paper discusses the inspiration and thinking of the development of ethnic relations in Lincang area.


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