本文选题:杜文秀起义 切入点:中国近代史 出处:《回族研究》2010年01期
[Abstract]:In the first issue of 2009 and the first issue of this year, the magazine opened up a column entitled "du Wenxiu's Traitors" and "Defamation and falsehood", and published 21 articles one after another and participated in Guo Moruo.Two predecessors of Fan Wenlan have given a discussion to du Wenxiu, a leading figure in China's modern history.Scholars either make use of the royal archives kept in London, England, or consult the local literature and history of Yunnan, or go deep into the folk investigation of the word-of-mouth materials handed down by the ancestors of the common people. They refute Guo with a large amount of informative historical materials.Fan Erzi scholars gave du Wenxiu all sorts of false words.After the publication of the fifth issue of our magazine, it caused a great response among the readers. They wrote to the editorial board and actively participated in the discussion.Some articles directly state du Wenxiu's historical achievements and historical status, some say that Guo and Fan Er-scholars only use their hats and sticks to du Wenxiu, and they do not produce historical materials to say that they live and press people with their own power, and this style of writing is not desirable.Some suggest that the discussion of du Wenxiu should combine history and sociology, some criticize the impetuosity of the current style of historiography, some correct the misrepresentation and misinterpretation of the citations in Guo and Fan's articles;Some say that their articles only focus on what the British and French colonialists say, and they do not do the work of discriminating forgeries. This is a matter of method or a matter of stand. Some of them talk about textual research, theory, and ci and regulations in terms of traditional Chinese learning.Two scholars seem to neglect these aspects, readers do not understand; some said Hui nationality in the history of many heroes, we should emancipate our minds, break through the resistance, promote their own national heroes;Some quoted Liang Rengong as saying that learning is a public instrument in the world, and should not be owned by one family. We should allow people to discuss du Wenxiu enthusiastically. This is a good thing that is conducive to national unity and social harmony.Here, our editorial department expresses its sincere thanks to everyone for their letters to participate in the discussion and to express sincere thanks for the enthusiasm and affirmation of opening up "du Wenxiu's traitorous" "falsely accused" column.Now, the selection of your letters published below, in order to recommend readers.
【作者单位】: 云南省博物馆;
相关期刊论文 前10条
1 沈雨梧 ,单锦珩;近代中国人民反侵略斗争第一声[J];浙江学刊;1980年01期
2 吕涛;;读《中国近代史稿》第一册[J];读书;1980年05期
3 石永森;;略谈影片《秋瑾》之不足[J];电影艺术;1984年03期
4 冯祖贻;;贵州史研究的新收获——评《贵州近代史》[J];贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版);1988年02期
5 菲楠;《中国近代史资料丛刊——北洋军阀》出版[J];历史档案;1989年03期
6 吴梦进;王宗年;;一部很有价值的工具书——评《中国近代史争鸣录》[J];历史教学;1989年05期
7 朱宗震;中国近代史分期问题新思考[J];上海行政学院学报;2001年02期
8 ;《中国近代史资料丛刊续编·太平天国》出版[J];高校社科信息;2004年05期
9 李延华;陶爱新;曹英敏;;论中国近代史的基本线索[J];河北建筑科技学院学报(社科版);2006年02期
10 朱安平;;《甲午风云》慨而慷[J];大众电影;2008年08期
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2 史苑;;河北师院历史系近年科研成果与科研规划简介[A];河北史学会通讯(1987)[C];1987年
3 ;后记[A];中国近代史上的自由主义——“自由主义与近代中国(1840~1949)”学术研讨会论文集[C];2007年
4 房德邻;;中国近代史的含义究竟是什么?[A];过去的经验与未来的可能走向——中国近代史研究三十年(1979-2009)[C];2009年
5 虞和平;;改革开放以来中国近代史学科创新[A];过去的经验与未来的可能走向——中国近代史研究三十年(1979-2009)[C];2009年
6 王跃;;田闻一和他的中国近代史小说[A];“辛亥百年与四川小说创作”学术研讨会论文集(《当代文坛》2011年增刊)[C];2011年
7 黄军甫;孙力;;科社理论开启新篇章[A];上海市社会科学界联合会2003年学术研讨会论文集[C];2003年
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9 黎志刚;;中国近代史若干问题之思考——再访刘广京先生[A];近代中国(第九辑)[C];1999年
10 赵庆云;;“三次革命高潮”解析[A];中国社会科学院近代史研究所青年学术论坛2009年卷[C];2011年
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4 龚达才;“中国近代邮政史”源于何时?[N];中国集邮报;2006年
5 太原市成成中学高级教师 白秀茹;中国近代史知识体系概述[N];山西科技报;2002年
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9 本报记者 王晓映 周静文;他的身上,折射半部中国近代史[N];新华日报;2009年
10 倪友葵;通过名著了解中国近代史[N];中国财经报;2002年
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