stationed 在 中国古代史 分类中 的翻译结果
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On the Quality of Central Officials Stationed in Xinjiang in Qing Dynasty and the Stability of Xinjiang Society from “Binjing Case”
In the 14th Century there were two Sulaimans, one was "Sulaiman the King of Xining" stationed in Shazhou (the present Dunhuang) and the other was "Sulaiman the 16th Khan of Yilanke".
Song Yun, the famous border minister, a minister stationed in Tibet in the middle Qing dynasty, has made some great contributions to the border government for the Qing dynasty.
Ying soldier (营兵) stationed in both border and inner prefectures in Eastern Han Dynasty in order to meet the need of military defence, it is a new phenomenon in the army of Eastern Han Dynasty.
东汉时期,国家为适应军事防卫的需要,在边郡和内郡设置了屯驻营兵。 屯驻营兵的设置,是东汉军队中出现的新事物。
However, Ying soldier which is local standing army stationed in border and inner prefectures and commanded by special military officials is different from the soldier of prefectures(郡兵).
On the Stationed Troops in Hainan in Yuan Dynasty
The Tibetan Stationed Army's Establishment and Development in Qing Dynasty
The Analysis about the Policy of Stationed Troops in Jiarong Tibetan District in the Qianlong Period of Qing Dynasty
This system from Kangsi when ferments, to pass through the Yong Zheng time preparation, faced in Qianlong starts comprehensively to implement, sets up Suiyuan city general, the vice general of the Rehe(general),the Chahar general, three military administrations has all established, constructs the military to station the system, thus by big stationed the foothold to connect the small foothold forms a defensive system.
Based on the fact that across country Green Banner troops were stationed upon foundation in separate Xun Tang system, the records of the annals on prefecture and County included information about the establishment of Xun Tang in the early Qing Dynasty, despite the fact that local chronicles did not record the event in details, it holds true that Xun Tang system was formed in Yunnan in the early Qing Dynasty.
From September 14-27, personnel were stationed at 15 EDs on a 24-hour basis (first staffing period); from September 29-October 12, due to resource limitations, personnel were stationed at 12 EDs on an 18-hour basis (second staffing period).
However the enormous transportation costs made it prohibitively expensive to supply many of these status items to junior officers stationed at remote outposts.
The general problem scenario of this paper is the following: Jobs of various priorities, stationed in a common storage area, are waiting to be dispatched to two non-identical workstations.
This information was supplemented by the recorded comments of observers, stationed in rooms adjacent to the corridor during the tests.
Biopsies were mounted on a dressmaker needle head stationed immediately over a stirring bar rotating at 1200 rpm.
The complex pattern of population existed south of the Yangtze River during the Yuan Dynasty. A large Mongol and Semu population from Mongolia, the Western Regions, Persia and Arabia settled there for various reasons: official appointments, military stations, business and trade, crime migrations and religious purposes. In the mix up of nationalities, intellectuals influenced by Han culture emerged among immigrants, even producing outstanding representatives of art and literature. Their achievement added...
The complex pattern of population existed south of the Yangtze River during the Yuan Dynasty. A large Mongol and Semu population from Mongolia, the Western Regions, Persia and Arabia settled there for various reasons: official appointments, military stations, business and trade, crime migrations and religious purposes. In the mix up of nationalities, intellectuals influenced by Han culture emerged among immigrants, even producing outstanding representatives of art and literature. Their achievement added new content to the culture of their own nationality. Marriages occurred among the nationalities, thus adding new blood to the big Chinese family and reinforcing national strength.
元代江南地区的居住人口呈现出复杂的历史格局。随官附籍、随军驻守、商人逐利及迁徙罪犯、传播宗教等 ,使得来自蒙古高原及西域、波斯、阿拉伯等地的蒙古、色目人口入居江南。在各民族混居的条件下 ,蒙古、色目人中出现了汉化的知识分子 ,还出现了具有极高文学艺术成就的杰出代表 ,他们的创造也为民族文化增加了宝贵的新内容 ;民族间还产生了普遍的通婚 ,为中华民族大家庭增添了新鲜血液 ,加强了民族凝聚力
The Khazars is a Turkic tribe that moved from the east to northern Caucasus. From the 7th century to the 9th century, they established a strong qaghanate, thus becoming an important transit station in the north route of the silk road, keeping close relation with Byzantine and the Arabic Empire. Around 750's the Khazars, quitting their Tengri cult, converted to Judaism. This paper discusses the background and impact of the Khazars conversion, and quotes Chinese documents to prove that Khazars contacted...
The Khazars is a Turkic tribe that moved from the east to northern Caucasus. From the 7th century to the 9th century, they established a strong qaghanate, thus becoming an important transit station in the north route of the silk road, keeping close relation with Byzantine and the Arabic Empire. Around 750's the Khazars, quitting their Tengri cult, converted to Judaism. This paper discusses the background and impact of the Khazars conversion, and quotes Chinese documents to prove that Khazars contacted China directly and indirectly in the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, Khazars is the most probable starting point for the Jews or Khasarian Judaists to enter the Tang Empire along the north route that connected China with Byzantine.
Xuan Prefectural Town (Xuan Hua, today) was one of the nine defence areas of the Ming Great Wall. This section of the wall was first founded during the reigns of Hongwu to Xuande, reinforced in the years from Zhengtong to Zhengde and completed in the years of Jiajing to Longqin. It began to decline after the reign of Wanli due to the conciliation between the Han and the Mongolian nationalities. The whole defence system of Xuan Prefectural Town was consisted of border wall, mound platforms and castles. Castle...
Xuan Prefectural Town (Xuan Hua, today) was one of the nine defence areas of the Ming Great Wall. This section of the wall was first founded during the reigns of Hongwu to Xuande, reinforced in the years from Zhengtong to Zhengde and completed in the years of Jiajing to Longqin. It began to decline after the reign of Wanli due to the conciliation between the Han and the Mongolian nationalities. The whole defence system of Xuan Prefectural Town was consisted of border wall, mound platforms and castles. Castle was the centre of stationing troops for defending purpose. Xuan Prefectural Town along with the castles could station 15,000 troops at its height. It was really the wonderful protective shield of the capital.
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