本文选题:上计制度 + “耆旧传” ; 参考:《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》2012年04期
[Abstract]:This article starts with the newly published information of Chenzhou Jin slips and compares it with the documents handed down to reveal the relationship between the compilation of the "Old Biography of the Qi" and the "Zhuan of the forefathers" in the Han and Jin dynasties.In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the compilation of the Legend of the aged and the Legend of the Sage became popular in local areas, but the criteria and control of the recognition of the sages were uniformly controlled by the central government.This is not only a reflection of "rural consciousness", but is related to the political intentions and ruling policies of the dynasty.Concretely speaking, the dynasty controlled and selected the "sages" for the need of stabilizing local rule, praised the "sages" and gave preferential treatment to the descendants of the "sages".It is this kind of policy guidance that leads to the continuous compilation and popularity of the "Old Man" and the "Legend of the Sage" in the rural society.
【作者单位】: 日本阪南大学流通学部;
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