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发布时间:2018-04-11 12:40

  本文选题:水利灌区 + 水利管理体制 ; 参考:《中国经济史研究》2013年01期

[Abstract]:Tongji Weir Irrigation area is located in today's Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, the Bihu Basin.Due to the need of irrigation water distribution, the maintenance of Weir and dam and its branches and canals, and the management and operation of water conservancy affairs, the irrigation district formed a systematic management system: 1) up to the early Southern Song Dynasty at the latest.The irrigation district forms the Weir head-Shangtian household-A head-a head of water according to the number of mu and the number of mu in the household.Tou-Ye Cave head is the management form headed by the landlord class, in which the use of the Chili and the Weir may have borrowed some channels from the official household registration and servitude system, but they did not merge with the tax service system, but kept a relatively independent state.) in the Ming Dynasty,The management system of irrigation district is the system of Weir length-total justice-justice, and its foundation is the system of duty system of the government.The formation of this system is closely related to the lack of leadership by landlords and field households.The trend that the administrative system of irrigation district was influenced by the system of taxation was obviously strengthened. (3) in the Qing Dynasty, with the reform of the system of taxation and the formation of the "squire group", the irrigation district established the system of prime minister and director with "squire" as the main body. "By virtue of their own status and the authorization of the government, the squire "intervened in the" water conservancy "affairs, and through the establishment and maintenance of the water conservancy order, it reconstructed the local order and highlighted its authority in the local society.The formation and evolution of the management system in Tongjiyan Irrigation area are influenced or restricted by the local control system, especially the servitude system, the local land tenure mode, the internal context of the local society, and so on.It is the result of the combined action of various factors.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学历史系;


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