发布时间:2018-04-28 01:44
本文选题:开封遛鸟 + 历史沿革 ; 参考:《河南大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: “养鸟”是古城众多传承至今的风俗之一。“养鸟”的风俗由来已久,宋代人孟元老所撰写的《东京梦华录》中就有对“养鸟”风俗的记述,宋代以后,关于“养鸟”习俗的文献记载散见于历代的文人笔记中,明清两代,“养鸟”无论从种类还是从规模上都达到了顶峰,不仅仅局限于“养”,发展出“遛鸟”这种被打上时代烙印的饲养模式,从而成为像北京、开封、南京等古城独具特色的民间风俗之一。随着时代的不断向前推进,“遛鸟”这种古老的民俗也在以一种外行人鲜为人知的方式演变与传承。“遛鸟”这种民俗无论从纵向的时间传承还是从横向的发展规模上来说,都是研究古城风俗不可规避的重镇。随着社会的发展进步,民俗学科各方面的研究不断推进呈现百花齐放的局面,古城民俗研究也不断有新的突破和纵深,而作为古城代表性风俗之一的“遛鸟”民俗一直停滞不前,游走在研究者的视界盲区,国内外的民俗学者极少进行相关方面研究和调查,目前所能看到的“养鸟”“遛鸟”相关文献也仅限于生物学意义上的研究成果。 为了深入开掘古城民俗研究,进一步细化深层次研究古城这一特殊城市民俗的产生、传承与发展的原因,本文拟以开封这个古城为田野调查对象,试图通过这个古城“遛鸟”习俗的深入了解,探究古城养鸟习俗随着时代的变化所产生的相应变化,从而更深入的挖掘“遛鸟”风俗存在的社会根源、时代背景及遛鸟人这个特定群体的心理结构,并试图理清这种习俗发展的前景。首先,开封地区“遛鸟”风俗的调查极具典型性,既具有地方民俗资料收集的文献作用,对古城民俗研究的发展起到了一定的推动作用,也会对开封当地的社会民生状况有所涉及,为社会学、民俗学等学科在这方面深入开掘起到了先导作用。其次,“遛鸟”习俗的流变,其实就是社会发展、遛鸟人构成变化、文化推进及普及、地域文化等共同作用下所产生的变化,研究其变化的过程,也是对民俗产生、发展、衰微的过程进行一个整体的审视,这种个案的研究对推导整体的特征和发展规律具有一定的参考作用。 本文共分如下六个部分:养鸟的历史追溯、百灵的饲养和遛鸟的规矩、鸟笼和鸟食罐的前世今生、鸟市的变迁、遛鸟人组成的变迁、遛鸟的发展前景和民俗学意义。 第一部分:养鸟的历史溯源主要是从现有的历史文献出发,搜寻最早的养鸟的记述及明清文人笔记中关于养鸟的记述,然后结合开封民间养鸟人口头可以追溯到的养鸟历史及民间尚存的物证,从而做出初步的陈述和结论。 第二部分:百灵是遛鸟中最重要的种类,为了阐述清遛鸟这项民俗,以百灵为例,对遛鸟的各项流程进行说明,其中包括百灵的选择、饲养、遛养的季节性等。 第三部分:鸟笼和鸟食罐是遛鸟人最为看重的组成部分,是民间木雕、骨雕、陶瓷艺人共同的艺术结晶。鸟笼的形状、鸟笼的各个配件、鸟食罐的讲究都体现了民间思维和民间信仰。同时,鸟笼和鸟食罐的传承记录了遛鸟历史的传承脉络。第四部分:鸟市的地点变迁、功能的变迁、鸟市经营种类的变迁、鸟市的经营者与消费者的变迁都体现了时代作用于其上的特点,有着深层次的民间文化慢慢转移的过程。 第五部分:遛鸟人的组成变化以及导致的遛鸟目的的变化,遛鸟人遛鸟地点的变化,遛鸟人心理变化,共同所说明的遛鸟所代表的民间文化的式微。 第六部分:遛鸟的前景及其背后的民俗学意义。兴起与衰微都是由于民间文化的流动,而民间文化的流动的转向是与民众这个主体密不可分的。其兴也勃焉,其亡也忽焉,其兴盛的原因就是其消亡的原因。开封遛鸟所具有的古都民俗的代表性分析。
[Abstract]:With the development of society , the folk custom of " walking bird " has become one of the most popular folk customs in ancient city .
In order to dig deeper into the folk custom of ancient city and further study the causes of the generation , inheritance and development of the special city folk custom in ancient city , this paper tries to explore the social origin , the times background and the psychological structure of the folk custom in ancient city .
This paper is divided into six parts : the historical retrospection of the bird - raising , the feeding of the Bailing and the rules of the walking bird , the changes of the bird cage and the bird - eating tank , the change of the bird ' s market , the change of the composition of the walking bird , the development prospect of the walking bird and the significance of folklore .
The first part : the historical origin of the bird - raising is mainly from the existing historical documents , the description of the earliest bird - raising and the description of the bird - raising in the Ming and Qing Dynasties , and then combined with the history of the bird - raising and the folk - stored evidence which can be traced back to the people ' s head of Kaifeng , so as to make preliminary statements and conclusions .
The second part : Bailing is the most important kind of bird walking bird , in order to expound the folk custom of the bird - walking bird , in order to explain the folk custom of the bird - walking bird , the process of the bird - walking bird is illustrated , including the choice of the hundred - ling , the breeding , the seasonal and so on .
The third part : the bird cage and the bird food tank are the most important part of the bird walking . It is the common artistic crystallization of folk wood carving , bone carving and ceramic artist . The inheritance of bird cage and bird cage reflects the folk thought and folk belief . At the same time , the inheritance of the bird cage and the bird food tank reflects the folk thought and folk belief .
Part V : The change of bird ' s composition and the change of the bird ' s purpose , the change of the bird ' s walking location , the psychological change of the walker , and the folk culture represented by the walking bird .
Part VI : The prospect of walking bird and the significance of folklore behind it . The rise and decline are due to the movement of folk culture , and the movement of folk culture is inseparable from the main body of the public . Its Xing is also absent - minded and its death is absent - minded . The reason for its prosperity is the reason for its extinction .
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