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发布时间:2018-04-30 20:28

  本文选题:清末民初 + 闯关东 ; 参考:《哈尔滨师范大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:古代的黑龙江区域地广人稀,素有“绝域”、“亘古荒原”之称。始自满清康乾时期的“封禁政策”更是限制了该区域人口的大规模流入。有文献显示,迟至十九世纪上叶,辽阔的黑龙江区域人口尚不足五十万。清末民初,随着满清政府封禁政策的渐进解除、移民招垦实边政策的实施、以及天灾人祸的驱动,大批关内移民涌入黑龙江地区,“亘古荒原”开始显露无限生机。 关内移民带来先进的生产工具,推动了农业的发展;人口的迅速增加,保卫了边疆地区的稳定;加速了当地工商业的发展与城镇化的进程;在这一过程中,关内移民艰苦奋斗、勇于拼搏,形成了“闯关东”精神,更是黑龙江宝贵的精神文化财富之一,其历史作用是显而易见的。 黑龙江地区的关内移民研究与其他地区移民史相比,更显得薄弱,有待于进一步拓展。在取得的成果中,大多是对关内移民历史的陈述,缺少对其全方位的分析。本文试图借鉴前人研究的成果,着重探讨关内移民对黑龙江区域变化、土地的开发、黑龙江文化形成、封禁政策的冲击、“闯关东”精神现代意义等诸问题。 本文研究的是清末民初黑龙江的关内移民,这一时期是黑龙江移民史的第一个高峰,对该地区产生了重要影响,也奠定了黑龙江开发的基础。而后的移民是在这一基础上的一个继续。本论文主体分为四部分: 第一部分,主要介绍了黑龙江区域演变及1861年开禁政策实施前黑龙江的关内移民现象。 第二部分,论述开禁政策实施到1931年之前黑龙江关内移民的历史进程。其中以1904年黑龙江地区全面放垦为界,分两个时期进行阐述。 第三部分,从关内移民与黑龙江的土地开发、黑龙江近现代城镇的形成、黑龙江文化的演变诸方面论述关内移民开发黑龙江的历史作用。 第四部分,从封禁政策、经济滞缓,“闯关东”精神的现代意义;移民对移出地、移入地的影响诸方面对开发黑龙江的深层考量。
[Abstract]:The ancient Heilongjiang area was sparse, known as "the banquet" and "the ancient wasteland". The "ban policy" from the Manchu and KangQian period restricted the large-scale inflow of the population in the region. The literature showed that the population of the vast area of Heilongjiang was less than five hundred thousand late to the late nineteenth Century. The gradual lifting of the prohibition of policy, the implementation of the policy of immigrant reclaim and reclamation, and the driving of natural and man-made disasters, a large number of migrants poured into the Heilongjiang area, and the "ancient wasteland" began to reveal infinite vitality.
The immigration brought advanced production tools and promoted the development of agriculture; the rapid increase of the population, the stability of the border areas, and the acceleration of the development and urbanization of the local industry and commerce; in this process, the immigrant workers fought hard and fought hard to form the spirit of "going to the East", and also the precious spiritual culture of Heilongjiang. One of the riches, its historical role is obvious.
Compared with the history of immigration in other areas, the study on immigration in Heilongjiang area is more weak and needs to be further expanded. In the achievements, most of them are the statement of the history of the immigrant in Guan, and the lack of a comprehensive analysis. Development, the formation of Heilongjiang culture, the impact of the ban policy, the modern significance of "breaking through the East" spirit and so on.
This paper studies the immigration of Heilongjiang in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. This period was the first peak of the history of immigration in Heilongjiang, which had an important impact on the region and laid the foundation for the development of Heilongjiang. The latter was a continuation of this foundation. The main body of this thesis is divided into four parts:
The first part mainly introduces the regional evolution of Heilongjiang and the phenomenon of immigration in Heilongjiang before the implementation of the ban policy in 1861.
The second part is to discuss the historical process of the implementation of the policy of opening the ban on the immigration of Heilongjiang before 1931, which is expounded in two periods with the overall reclamation in Heilongjiang in 1904 as the boundary.
The third part, from the land exploitation in Heilongjiang, the formation of modern cities and towns in Heilongjiang, and the evolution of Heilongjiang culture, the historical role of the development of Heilongjiang by the immigrant in Guan Guan.
The fourth part, from the prohibition policy, the economic stagnation, the modern significance of the spirit of "going to the East", and the influence of immigrants on the emigration and the land transfer to the deep consideration of the development of Heilongjiang.



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