本文选题:青岛 + 民国 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:上世纪二三十年代,各大都市工商业快速发展,又因自然灾害频发,战争烽火连绵不断,大量人口涌入城市,而人口激增又使城市的住宅问题日益凸显。此时期的青岛,由南京国民政府行政院直辖,具有比较重要的政治经济地位,且又远离战火,所以社会环境相对稳定,经济也发展迅速,这给青岛带来了大量的外来移民。据《青岛市志?人口志》记载,“1910年市区人口仅34180人,1925年增至163010人,增长3.8倍,每年净增8600余人。至1935年市区人口又增至301192人,比1925年增长84.77%,每年净增13800人。”与其他大都市一样,人口的急剧增长导致青岛市出现了住房短缺、住宅环境恶劣、房租高涨等一系列住宅问题。 青岛市政府在此时期为解决“住”的问题做了积极的努力。在刚接收时期即已着手总的房地制度的制定,以期达到杜绝囤积房屋、土地,整肃房地市场的目的;在后期也针对出现的现实问题及时制定相应的补救措施,改善大众的居住环境和居住条件。具体来讲,青岛市政府首先建立了比较完备的住宅法律管理体系,内容涵盖土地的领租、房地的税收征管、房地的移转、平民住所的保障等各个方面;其次在管理过程中采取改善杂院居住条件、规范租赁市场和租赁行为、增设房地纠纷调解机构等措施,收到了良好的社会效果。由于青岛市政府积极经营,其房地管理水平在全国也具有比较突出的地位。 目前,关于民国时期青岛的城市住宅政策问题尚无系统的研究。本文借鉴青岛城市化、城市规划、城市建筑、房屋救济制度等方面的研究成果,依据史实对南京政府时期青岛城市住宅政策进行系统的研究。
[Abstract]:In the twenties and thirties of the last century, the rapid development of industry and commerce in various metropolitan areas, the frequent occurrence of natural disasters, the continuous war beacon, the influx of large numbers of people into the city, and the rapid increase of population make the housing problem of the city increasingly prominent. During this period, Qingdao was directly under the jurisdiction of the Nanjing National Government Executive Yuan. It had a relatively important political and economic status and was far from the war, so the social environment was relatively stable and the economy was developing rapidly, which brought a large number of immigrants to Qingdao. According to Qingdao City Records? In 1910, the urban population was only 34180, increasing to 163010 in 1925, a 3.8-fold increase and a net increase of more than 8600 people per year. By 1935 the urban population had risen to 301192, an increase of 84.77 from 1925 and a net increase of 13800 annually. " Like other big cities, rapid population growth has led to a series of housing problems in Qingdao, such as housing shortage, poor housing environment and high rents. Qingdao government in this period to solve the problem of "living" made active efforts. At the beginning of the takeover period, the development of a general system of premises was initiated, with a view to eliminating the accumulation of houses, land and purging the premises market, and at a later stage to formulate timely remedial measures in response to the actual problems that had arisen, To improve the living environment and living conditions of the masses. Specifically, Qingdao Municipal Government first established a relatively complete residential legal management system, covering the land rental, premises tax collection and management, the transfer of premises, the protection of civilian residences and other aspects; Secondly, in the process of management, some measures such as improving the living conditions of the courtyard, standardizing the rental market and leasing behavior, adding the mediation organization of the dispute of the premises, etc., have received good social effect. Because Qingdao municipal government manages actively, its premises management level also has the quite prominent position in the whole country. At present, there is no systematic research on the urban housing policy in Qingdao during the Republic of China. Based on the research results of urbanization, urban planning, urban architecture and housing relief system in Qingdao, this paper makes a systematic study on the urban housing policy of Qingdao during the period of Nanjing government based on historical facts.
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